Thursday 22 September 2011

Time Management Tasks - Filing

One of the very important time management tasks is filing. Time management is simply the practice of utilizing your time for maximum results.  Whether you are striving to better manage your time at work, home, or on the road, your goals are one and the same: To get more done in less time, with total organization, reduced stress, and with all of your daily goals achieved.   By implementing time management tasks into your life, you can manage your days for effectively, streamline your meetings, increase the speed of communications, and stay on top of your organizational needs.

Today we are going to cover why “filing” is such an important time management task, which invariably leads to the growth of your time management levels.  Filing your paperwork and other clutter becomes even more important as the world grows increasingly more complex.  Most people think of filing as simply a place to put your papers.  But there is actually an art to it, and one that can make your office a more productive area to work in.  There are few essential tools to proper filing which we will mention below, as well as explain how a creating filing system can have a unique way of serving the way you work.

Take a moment and think about how you feel when you think about getting  organized for better time management, by filing your area.  Do you look upon filing as an uphill battle, something of a drudgery?  If you do, you are not alone!  Let's be honest.  Filing, especially piles and piles of clutter that have not been organized for years, is a rather tedious and mundane task.  Does the word “boring” come to mind? 

Now let's get your mind on to a more positive affiliation with filing.  Yes it is boring and tedious, but what you need to keep your thoughts on are that when you are in control of your office, your desk, your files, and the proper resources assembled, you will be more focused, productive, and efficient at what you do at work.

Why should I file?

As a person who is striving for increased time management skills, you have learned to write down all time management tasks and goals on paper, as well as answering the question of “why” you are doing what you are doing.  The same goes with filing.  Before you take on this job, you need to ask yourself: “Why file?”

1. Value:  The items that you deem necessary to store within your home or office are important enough to be organized in a safe place.  This safe place should also be streamlined so that when you need to find a certain document, you can get it within seconds of looking it up.

2. Time Management:  There are negative consequences for not filing.  For example, what happens to those important tax records that you will need for an audit?  How about needing to find all of your business expenses that you need to show proof of?  How much time will be wasted trying to find these items when you need them in a short amount of time?

Hopefully this will help you to understand why filing is one of the most important time management tasks.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Building a Positive Self Image

Building a positive self image is a constructive approach to help you get to your destination. The practice of building a positive self image gives you a psychological map to your unconscious and conscious behaviors.

When you mentally focus on where it is you want to go, and you're committed to reaching your destination, your actions usually follow. Literally speaking, your actions come from your images. That is, you usually won't act if you haven't already seen yourself mentally rehearsing the situation. How you visually depict yourself, in any given situation, is what you will become, and how you will act. When you reinforce your images in a positive way, positive things happen. Focusing on making  positive, pleasurable changes in your life reinforces you with uplifting feelings of self-confidence and self-determination.

Imagine yourself walking down a path across a field and coming to a barbed-wire fence. If you see the fence as an insurmountable barrier toward completing your goal, then the barrier will remain. When you see the fence as having a gate in it, or when you find a way of going over, around or through it, then the fence is merely one more obstacle to overcome. Nothing more, nothing less.

When you give too much power to any obstacle, or person, you automatically place yourself in a no-win situation. One way to overcome this no-win situation is to change the rules. See the situation as an opportunity, or challenge, to use your imagination - your mind. When the situation is no longer challenging or healthy, and you're using too much energy with few results, choose a new direction where there will be new challenges and opportunities. There's no reason to set yourself up for failure or punishment. Deciding to create positive beliefs and expectations about yourself influences the actions you take.

You can change your situation by focusing on making moderate changes and giving careful thought to your long-term goals. A goal to complete a degree from a four-year college within six years is not unrealistic. Don't expect to do it in two and set yourself up for failure. Choose a plan you can realistically follow. Emotional, physical, and mental plateaus and peaks are normal experiences on the road to success. Focusing on your progress and remembering where you started creates confidence and courage. Improving yourself, and your life, requires concentration and self-discipline. Appreciate the journey. When you apply yourself, you will do it!

When you believe in yourself, you feel capable of encouraging yourself and others, professionally and personally. Your attitude and self esteem reach new heights. High self esteem and building a positive self image may help you overcome problems that may otherwise overwhelm you.

Belief in yourself will ultimately result in having others believe in you. When you have a direction, and know where you are going, you will increase your ability to perform a particular task. When you build a positive self image and have social and emotional support from others, you're more hopeful and experience less stress.

You also have an amazing ability to cope with the damaging effects of negative or condemning statements from others. Hope and self-esteem are the medicine that transforms a negative self-image into a positive one.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

10 Powerful Positive Affirmations

 Using powerful positive affirmations is a proven technique that works miracles in many lives. Ideally, you should look yourself in the eye as you make these positive affirmations. Don't be shy; go ahead and get started!

Repeat some of the following powerful positive affirmations to yourself every morning to get your day and week off to a great start:

“I clearly understand that failure is an event, not a person; that yesterday really did end last night; and that success isn't final and failure isn't fatal because I only fail if I quit.”

“I have the courage to admit a mistake and to say that I was wrong. I have the courage to ask for help and the courage to say "I don't know." I have the courage to continually strive to be the person that I am capable of becoming.”

“I have vision in my life, which means that I see not only with my eyes but also with my heart.”

“I am successful because I believe that to be truly educated, I must be mentored - either in business or in my personal life, by reading or by association - by superior minds with greater skills and mature spirits.”

“I discipline myself to do the things that I need to do when I need to do them, because I know that doing them will enable me someday to do the things I want to do when I want to do them.”

“I clearly understand that if I develop yearning power and apply learning power, I will increase my earning power.”

“I am successful because I don't confuse activity with accomplishment. I know that I can't make it in life as a wandering generality, so I am a meaningful specific.”

“I am like an eraser. I recognize my mistakes, I learn from my mistakes, and then I erase those mistakes from my memory.”

“I move forward in my life every day, even if it's only a tiny step, because I know that great things are accomplished with tiny moves, but nothing is accomplished by standing still.”

“Today I will seriously look for the good in every situation and find something about which to praise every person who works with me. Today I will be friendly to the people I work with and will treat them as though they were completely responsible for my career. Today I will express gratitude for the career that I have and the society of which I am a part, and specifically for my family and friends. I will also express gratitude for the fact that my career is rewarding in ways that go far beyond financial remuneration.”

Monday 12 September 2011

Strategies to Improve Memory

Many people are looking for strategies to improve memory. All memory, whether trained or untrained, is based on association.  But that's stating it too simply.  You will be taught many systems of association by doing your research on memory training, but it goes much deeper than that.

You see, when people say, "I forgot," they didn't, usually - what really happened was that they didn't remember in the first place.  How can you forget something that you didn't remember, originally?  Turn that around, and you have the solution to remembering - if you do remember something originally, how can you forget it?

One of the best strategies to improve memory is what we call Original Awareness.  Anything of which you are Originally Aware cannot be forgotten.  And, applying a system of association forced Original Awareness - Observation is essential to Original Awareness - anything you wish to remember must first be observed.  Using association will take care of that, too.

But how in the world do you associate something that's intangible or abstract?  That question leads to another one of the best strategies to improve memory.  It is always easier to remember things that have meaning than it is to remember things that do not.  You'll see that nothing is abstract or intangible so far as the systems are concerned.  You will learn how to make any intangible thing, any abstract piece of information, tangible and meaningful in your mind.  Once you've mastered that simple technique, all remembering and therefore all learning will be easier for you for the rest of your life.

Let's begin with association.  First of all, you should realize that you've used association all of your life.  The problem is that you have associated subconsciously, without recognizing the association for what it was.  Anything you clearly associated, even if subconsciously, is sure to have been easily remembered.  But since you have no control over your subconscious, association has been a hit-or-miss kind of thing all your life.

Here's a basic memory strategy to improve memory: You Can Remember Any New Piece of Information if It Is Associated to Something You Already Know or Remember.

Teachers in the early grades have been telling their students for years that it's easy to remember how to spell piece if you think of the phrase "a piece of pie."  Since most young students already know how to spell pie, associating that old knowledge to the new—the spelling of "piece"—solves the problem.  Again in this example of association, the basic rule has been followed.

Friday 9 September 2011

Do You Need to Sacrifice Something to Achieve Success?

Most people think they must work forty hours per week to gain more success and earn more money. For some, that's true. For others, it's sixty hours per week. For still others, eighty. (Ask any spouse whose "job" it is to care for the house, or creative person working on a project, or monk in a monastery, or social activist working for change). For some others, it might be five or ten.

Just as "the work expands to fill the time available," so, too, the "needs" expand to consume the money available. If we are bringing home forty-hours' worth of money, we will spend it. The rich live hand-to-mouth, too - just on a higher level. If that forty-hours' worth of work amounts to $150 or $1,500 or $15,000 or $150,000, or $1,500,000 - it will be spent.

Many people are trapped in the myth of a 40-hour work week.

If we define "job" as what we do (that we don't really want to do) to get money, then the number of hours we work depends upon (A) what it cost us to do what we want to do, and (B) how much per hour we get. What about our basic needs? Good question! Basic needs are often dictated by what we want to do. For example, someone who wants to pray all day and serve God might be able to combine that with life in a monastery and not have to work for even one hour per week at the local fast-food emporium. Someone wanting to make global changes could find the same all-expenses-paid fulfillment of a goal in the Peace Corps, or, if they wanted to do it domestically. The examples go on and on.

The meeting of our basic needs should be based on the fulfillment of our heart's desire, not on the latest style, or how to intensely fill the few "leisure" hours we have when not working at a job we hate.

To significantly raise your standard of living sometimes requires significantly lowering it for a while. Say you want to write a book, and you have a $25,000 car and a $2,000 per month apartment. You don't need those to write a book. A $5,000 car (or even a $500 moped) and a $500 per month apartment is all you need.

People who plan to "make it" had better plan to sacrifice - and that starts with creature comforts. It might mean a smaller living space, bringing in a roommate, or turning the current living space into an office. It may mean less dinners out with friends, less trips, fewer new clothes, not as many CD's, domestic wines, domestic sparkling water (aka club soda), domestic pasta, domestic vinegar - and no domestics.

Monday 5 September 2011

The 80-20 Rule in Time Management

The 80-20 Rule in Time Management is a very important set of strategies necessary to speed you on your way to the accomplishment  of your objectives and goals and hence the realization of your dreams.

There seems to be no limit to the long list of activities on which you can choose to spend your time. Therefore, there will seldom be a day during your life when you feel "caught up."

Think back. Can you ever remember a day when you felt that you had accomplished all the things you needed to do and would like to have done? I certainly cannot remember one. However, what's important is not that everything gets done during a specific day, but that the activities that are most important to the accomplishment of your dreams and goals have been completed on a schedule set by you.

To feel good about how you use time does not require being busy every moment, or constantly playing "catch-up." Positive feelings and the mental rewards associated with real accomplishments are produced through effectiveness, since only effectiveness produces results.

Think of it. If you can double your effectiveness, by definition you can accomplish twice as much in the same amount of time. You will double the speed at which you accomplish your objectives, and you will cut in half the time it takes you to achieve your dreams and goals.

To double your effectiveness, apply the 20/80 rule. Just 20 percent of the activities on which you could choose to spend your time will produce 80 percent of the results you're after. Conversely, spending time and energy on the other 80 percent of your possible activities will produce only 20 percent of the results you're after including only 20 percent of the total sense of satisfaction from accomplishment.

When it comes to achieving your dreams and goals, just 20 percent of your activities will take you along your pathway faster and farther than others. Identify that 20 percent and then spend the majority of your time and mental and physical energy each day on their accomplishment. Focusing first on the commencement and completion of that 20 percent is what transforms energy-wasting efficiency into results-producing effectiveness.

In the purest sense, it would be a waste of your time, talent, and energy to spend time on anything not in the top 20 percent of the activities on your list, at least until that 20 percent has been totally completed. That's the point.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Just Open Your Heart, Just Open Your Mind

Just open your heart, just open your mind... Throughout history, people believed that love comes from the heart, and poets still pay homage to this notion. Surprisingly, the latest science shows that this idea may be based in reality. The function of the heart does affect the mind and emotions, possibly even more than the hormone-producing endocrine system, which is sometimes referred to as the "second brain."

The power of the heart to influence the mind and emotions was first examined scientifically in the early 1990s. Initially, researchers there were intrigued by the fact that transplanted hearts are able to beat immediately upon transplantation, even before nerves coming from the brain are functional.
This occurs, they discovered, because the heart has an intrinsic nervous system of its own, which can cause it to beat even without messages from the brain. This nervous system consists of masses of nerve cells, or neurons, similar to those in the brain. These masses of neurons include parasympathetic and sympathetic neurons that make heartbeat possible: contract, relax, contract, relax. Without them, the heart cannot function. This nervous system has been dubbed the heart-brain.

Most fascinating of all, researchers discovered that the heart-brain even has the power to send messages to the brain. The messages are sent via the spinal cord and through the largest nerve in the body, the vagus nerve, which stretches from the brain to the torso. Therefore, it's outdated to think that nerve messages travel only from head to heart: It's a two-way street.

Because the heart can "speak" to the brain, through the vagus nerve and spinal cord feedback system, it sometimes overrides messages that come from the brain - particularly messages of distress, which can trigger heart attacks.

As researchers continued to study the surprising autonomy of the heart, which was previously considered by most scientists to be just a simple pump, they found that the heart is also an endocrine gland, which secretes its own hormone, ANF (atrial natriuretic factor). ANF influences not only the blood vessels and kidneys, but also the mood-influencing adrenal glands—and the brain.

In the brain, parasympathetic or sympathetic impulses coming from the heart help trigger the onset of either calming or excitatory thoughts. This may be the reason why some heart transplant patients occasionally adopt personality tendencies of their donors, a phenomenon that has been noted since the beginning of heart transplantation.

In emotionally healthy people, there appears to be a strong tendency for the heart and brain to have smoothly functioning dialogue, and to remain in synchronization, or entrainment - hence "just open your heart, just open your mind". Entrainment appears not only to reflect a positive frame of mind, but also to help create it, in part by enhancing balance of the autonomic nervous system. The body, clearly, can help heal the mind. But what inaugurates this healing? The mind itself! Your mind, when focused on appreciation, has an unparalleled power to trigger physical and emotional healing. 

Thursday 1 September 2011

How Worry Can Interfere with Success

Worry is simply imagining events that have not actually occurred. Worry is mental, worry is negative, and therefore worry is wasted, destructive thought energy.

Worry is a projection of your focus or consciousness into some time in the future. Since your only point of power is in the present, worry renders you mentally powerless. Worry is inaction, not action. Only action produces results. Inaction doesn't produce, create, or change a thing.

Worry comes in many shapes and sizes, but regardless of the object or subject, it is always about potential negative outcomes. Here are just a few examples:

• Worry that something you have done will be found out.
• Worry that something you desire or feel you need won't come about.
• Worry about family members or friends and how they will turn out.
• Worry that you won't finish a project before time runs out.
• Worry that you will lose your job and about the income you'll be without.
• Worry that your health or life will give out.
• Worry that before your bills are paid your money won't hold out.
• Worry that a plan you have made won't work out.

It is normal for everyone to worry from time to time, but if you find that you are worrying constantly, this is an indication that something is wrong and you need to do all you can to change this damaging behaviour.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Goal Setting Formula

Having a goal setting formula makes sense. Goals keep you pro-active. With no goals, you only respond to conditions and events and you let external influence control you. With goals, you produce your own conditions and events. Therefore you get to be a master of your destiny.

By creating a goal setting formula and adjusting goals you keep advancing and bettering your life. You are able to only reach destination if you specify it. Setting goals is the procedure to do that. You will not stagnate if you keep working with this personal development notion.

It’s very crucial to get yourself into an inspired, positive and relaxed state prior to writing goals. A few ideas for getting yourself into a positive state include: Meditation, hearing inspiring music, reading something fun or funny, watching an amusing movie, taking a walk in a beautiful place, exercise, or prayer.

After getting into a great mental and emotional state, begin your brainstorming. Write all likely goals quickly with no editing or criticism. You may review and prioritize later; right now you lack to be as originative as you can be.

Having a goal setting formula lets you accomplish more comfort in life. The main error that people make is that they set goals to accomplish happiness. Happiness cannot be the object of your goal. Happiness is something you have within you all the time. Perhaps you have not attained it yet, but it's there.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Why You Should Never Let Other People Set Goals for You

Do you allow other people to set goals that overwhelm you and leave you with feelings of doubt and fear, especially when you fail to reach them? When someone else continually sets goals for you, your sense of self-esteem is diminished. You increase your probability of following through on a task when you set the goal yourself.

When you set a goal do not allow others to restrict you by telling you that your goal is unrealistic. You have a choice. You can let their limited vision persuade you by telling yourself that they're right or, you can persuade yourself by using positive self-talk that will help you concentrate on fulfilling your goal. Utilizing positive self-talk will prepare you for taking the necessary steps to make your goals a reality.

Changing your self-talk to clearly define and crystallize your goals and desires is the first step toward attaining them. Then, breaking up your goals and desires into manageable parts helps you to see what additional steps need to be taken to get the results you need. Initially, setting your sights to achieve a moderate amount of success is the best way to reach your goals. To reach your goal, move forward and develop a realistic plan to achieve immediate success. This will help you overcome overwhelming feelings of doubt and fear. As you complete each objective celebrate your success along the way.

Taking action to change your self-talk changes your self-image, awakening your awareness. What you tell yourself affects your emotional life. When your emotional life is affected, your mental and physical life are affected as well. This highly interactive and reciprocal condition forms the basis for all personal, behavioral and motivational change.

Changing your self-image will create a change in what you do and how you do it. A positive change in your self-image is a powerful asset to help you create success in your life. Experiencing a positive change in your self-image raises your self-esteem. Your heightened sense of self-esteem allows you to appreciate yourself for who you are and the qualities you possess: “I can and I will change my future!” “I can and I WILL change my life!”

When you change your self-image, you change your life. Changing your self-image also has an effect on others. Once you begin to see and experience changes in your life, you will ultimately help others to change. Showing concern, and expressing yourself in positive ways, can change the other person's sense of him/herself. You have a choice. You can either encourage or discourage the beliefs of others.

Encouraging others will change the image they have of themselves. By changing your self image and increasing your self-esteem, you will help others to increase their self-esteem as well. In a reciprocal relationship, when you respond favorably to someone, or express yourself positively, most of the time the response that is returned will be a positive one. When you change your self-image, others will believe that they can change their self-image.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

The Importance of Self Control

One thing you need to keep in mind when improving yourself is the importance of self control. Discipline is really crucial to the procedure of self improvement. Your entire life will be so much greater if your conquer yourself.

When you master self-control, you will become a completely different individual. You will understand so much more than you understood previously. You will be able to arrange goals and really accomplish them, your fears will be gone and an entire new life will be ahead of you.

How to go about it? You first of all need to understnad that you are not your emotions. You are not your thinking. You're not your ego. You are part of the total consciousness. Thinking, self-control and emotions were given to you as tools to utilize in this life. You're not any of these things.

When you comprehend this and understand the importance of self control, you will conquer yourself. You'll become totally disciplined and will be able to accomplish whatever you want.

Individuals commonly desire fast results, but when they find out what is involved in accomplishing them, they are put off by the entire process of self improvement. If you feel this way, attempt to recognize what awesome benefits you will get when you make huge steps in personal development.

Now it is up to you to choose whether you can exert self control and accelerate personal development. This is a really exciting path, but it does call for work on your part.

Friday 19 August 2011

How Do I Overcome Fear?

Are you wondering how do I overcome fear? Here is one of the best ways to make your fear seem trivial.

If your fear emerges, consider where you want to go and if you’re moving in the correct direction. If you resolve you’re moving in the correct direction, recognize the fear and continue moving forward.

This procedure calls for courage to begin with, but when you’re comfortable with it, it gets easier to believe that it works.

Why is it that when you walk down the street and run into a sign that states "construction, stay out", you directly consider the best way to get around it and continue moving forward, but when you’re heading for a more satisfying life and something comes in your way, you stop dead?

It’s because of your disciplining, programming and the affiliations you've made in your life. Everything may be changed. Remember, you have the ability to do whatever you wish. There are no excuses.

Every time I confront one of my fears, it shrivels and finally disappears. The most difficult part is doing it the first couple times. To muster up the courage to get going, I look at the options of buckling under to my fear and moving through it. Life nearly always looks greater when you confront your fears.

If I buckle under to my fear, I’ll live a life of sorrow. If I confront my fear, I’ll continue growing and moving toward a more fulfilling life. A rough illustration, but I think you are able to see how I frame matters in my own brain.

If you need to know how do I overcome fear, you will have to discover a way to incite yourself. It’s begins by taking action and learning how your brain works. It’s simple to believe that your brain, your thoughts and your feelings are in command, but if that’s real, why is it that you're able to observe your thoughts and feelings when you're totally present?

How can your thoughts be in control if there is an overseer watching them? They can’t. Breathe, relax and be in the now, and you become the observer.

Monday 15 August 2011

Abundance Meditation

Abundance Meditation puts down a great foundation to success. It grooms mental soil for the seeds of abundance (if you decide so).

Meditation does away with negative thinking and gets rid of damaging emotions from your head. I'm not precisely sure why that occurs, but it may be because with practice of meditation you get into a lower frequency of brain activity. In that state the cleansing process may occur.

You will not do away with all negative thoughts after meditating one time, however with continuous abundance meditation you'll progress to such a state.

You'll notice that following abundance meditation you feel peaceful. There are not a lot of thoughts whizzing round your brain and you will feel harmony inside.

Occasionally you will get into deep meditation (theta state). You'll get so disengaged from your brain that you'll get aligned with the universe and that will cause you to get a flush of awesome ideas.

That occurs to me really frequently as I've been meditating for a while. Amazing ideas simply flow to you and you achieve those ‘wow’ moments where you can't believe that you became aware of such an astonishing thought.

I also get reminders with meditation of what I ought to do to accomplish a specific goal. It’s like the consciousness that I recognize precisely what I ought to do and keeps reminding me of things I'd forget otherwise.

As soon as you begin implementing your abundance meditation, you'll get less stressed and eventually you will not get strained at all. Damaging events won't affect you as much because you'll care less about them. Your chief concentration will be on matters that are great and valuable.

Friday 12 August 2011

Steps to Overcome Fear

In order to overcome your fear and make it trivial, you have to either make it littler or make your dreams bigger. There are various Steps to Overcome Fear.

When I initially began making a living on my own, I had no idea what I was doing, and I was coping with my own mind-ghosts for the first time.

It’s solely in hindsight that I'm able to see what got me through it all. Even while I didn’t know precisely what steps to take, it was my single-mindedness that kept me proceeding. I was besieged by my own fear; however I knew what I wanted, so I continued.

Remember, you're in charge of your brain and what goes on inside. Have a deep look at your ideas and see how you’re looking at what you wish and what you don’t wish.

You might see them, hear them, or feel them, it does not matter which. The crucial thing is that you learn to enlarge what you wish, and shrink what you don’t wish.

I'm not talking about brushing aside the bad stuff in your brain, simply making it insignificant for now; you are able to always reverse the procedure later if you wish.

Whatever you feel may be altered. How you feel it may be altered. You're in total control. The only issue is that most individuals aren’t willing to claim their power and take responsibility.

Acceptance - the first step to overcoming your fear

The first time I was asked to do an audio interview. I was anxious, however I knew that in order to achieve my goal, it was inevitable. I had to do it eventually. Thinking like this quieted me and got me pumped-up about doing the interview.

I was considering what I wanted. It doesn’t matter if you’re considering making a living doing what you adore or simply desiring to have an in demand blog, whatever makes you tick is great.

This is among the chief ways I defeat my own fears day in and day out. I admit that they are there. I look at where I wish to go, and I move ahead, without thinking much, as if I already know where I have to go, there’s no reason to second-guess, and it will simply hold me up.

It works for me. Regardless how afraid I am, if I'm always truthful with myself. I know where I wish to go, and I know what I need to do to get there. Any fear is trivial if it's holding me back. It’s a waste of time.

Everybody deals with fear, but the successful individuals take action and are willing to deal with failure and whatever foul things might occur.

The only downside with my procedure is that it doesn’t work on matters I'm not passionate about. For instance, I’m a little bit grossed out by insects, spiders and the like, but I've no motivation to do away with that fear as it’s not relevant for me. One of the steps to overcome fear is to be passionate about overcoming that fear!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Why Should You Forgive People?

Why Should You Forgive People? One of the biggest mistakes most of us make in our minds about forgiveness is that it somehow lets the "bad guy" off the hook. It doesn't. Forgiveness is simply the healing of your own mind and heart.

Being the kind of person that does not like to forgive anybody may come across as an appealing option for at least two reasons.

1. It makes you feel invulnerable. Not forgiving gives you an aura of invincibility. When you refuse to forgive, you gather strength by humiliating the person you accuse of humiliating you.

The strength you feel from striking back at someone who hurt you may not be entirely illusory. You may force him to think twice about re-injuring you and reduce the frequency with which he tries. Of course, you might inflame the conflict and provoke him into attack again; but your tough, retaliatory stance may also intimidate him and show him who's the boss.

2. It lets you blame others for your own failures. Not Forgiving lets you blame others for your own failures and transfer to them whatever it is you curse in yourself. It helps you ward off the shame and humiliation that come when someone gets too close to the unflattering truth about you.

You conveniently blame the other person for all your troubles, when the problem may be you - your inability to take the initiative, ask for help, or say no. It replaces the emptiness inside you with a surge of elation.

Holding anger, resentment and hatred toward another injures your mind and heart; therefore, it follows that releasing those emotions through forgiveness would bring healing. This is Why You Should Forgive People.

Monday 8 August 2011

Motivational Goal Setting

Here are a number of likely areas of your life to consider when you are motivational goal setting: career, financial, relationship, family, home, friends, personal development, wellness, appearance, possessions, fun and recreation, travel and spiritual.

Goals fall under variable periods of time like: Immediate goals, 1 month goals, 6 month goals, 1 year goals, 5 years, 10 years or more. Be certain that you have a chance of achieving what you want in the time frame you arranged.

When writing your goal, state it like it has already occurred. Put your goals in words that presume that you already have accomplished them. For instance, "I now have a new house".

To get you passionate, invested and motivated, add emotional language to your composed goals. Here’s an illustration "I am energized about my beautiful new house in the hills" which is much more passionate than "I like my new house".

As your subconscious manifests things literally, you need to compose specific detailed goals. Utilize language that's clear in describing exactly what it is you wish

Compose in favorable terms rather than negative ones.

Check in with yourself regularly to be sure that you’re considering what you truly want with your motivational goal setting. Frequently we try to please other people at our own expense. You won’t be successful attempting to reach the goals your parents, spouse or other acquaintances or relatives wish for you.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Goal Setting Achievement - 5 Common Mistakes

Goal Setting Achievement is easy if you know how! There are some common mistakes that people make when setting goals and trying to achieve goals. Here are some of the most common mistakes made. If you know about these, it will be much easier to avoid them!

Goal Achievement Mistake #1 - Fear

It is normal to feel fear when you are setting goals. Many people actually fear things and events without even trying. Some people are even afraid of success subconsciously in a way that they avoid any opportunity that can make them succesful. You should try to understand that once you reach a certain goal, it can mean that the bar has just been raised for you to accomplish more.

Goal Achievement Mistake #2 - Laziness

Laziness is another negative habits that can stop you achieving goals. The worst thing is, lazy people do not always want to get rid of the problem - they enjoy being lazy! However, if you want to achieve your goals, you must understand the value of hard work and perseverance. Some of the greatest people in the world are known to work way more than those who did not leave a mark. The greats work longer hours, they sleep less, they eat less, they wake up earlier and they usually suffer more than anybody else. It takes sacrifice to reach your goals. The most important thing to understand is that everything you have ever wanted is just outside your comfort zone.

Goal Achievement Mistake #3 - Lack of Planning

If you want to achieve your goals you need to make a plan of action - it won't just happen naturally. Break down what you want to achive into smaller goals and tasks and then work out when you are going to achieve each of these goals by. This will make your goals seem less enormous and much more achievable.

Goal Achievement Mistake #4 - Pessimism

In the majority of cases, pessimism is actually tied up to fear. Seeing things in a negative light will lead to bad results, most of the time. If you start your day negatively, everything else will already seem bad and you will end up focusing more on the little things that do not matter and let them bother you, instead of keeping your mind on your goals.

Goal Achievement Mistake #5 - Selfishness

Selfishness is a bad trait that you must get rid of to achieve your goals. There are individuals who do not want to get help from others because they do not want to share their expected success. What is sad is that most of them do not actually reach their goals. There is so much joy and celebration for every success that can be shared between several individuals. There is even so much money in the world for everyone to stay rich. Even if you may be better off doing some things yourself, still you cannot do everything.

Goal setting achievement is easier if you know about these common mistakes. Why don't you make a list of all your weaknesses and bad traits. Next, put the opposite trait for each. The opposite traits are now your new characteristics to be adopted.

Start practicing one good trait per week or month, then add another one for consistency. Over time, you will realize that success follows you because of your positive aura.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

The Power of Gratitude

Have you ever considereed the power of gratitude? Gratitude brings you more and greater things you're grateful for. This is because the cosmos reacts to your gratitude in giving more of what you're thankful for.

Being grateful is the reason, getting more of what you're giving thanks for is the effect. Each action has a particular reaction; consequently gratitude has this particular reaction that may never be changed.

Gratitude is a really powerful force that reaches the object to which you're thanking immediately. It likewise gets you into a harmonious state aligned with the cosmos. This puts you in a flow of life causing you to develop success effortlessly.

Among the best things that you are able to do is to have gratitude; for everything that you have, everything that you've done, for all the individuals in your life, and for the procedure of unfolding and development. It's crucial. Gratitude is among the higher vibrations in this life and it draws in a super-flow in your life.

Without gratitude one may get arrogant, and isolated. Till you truly look at all that you have, and treasure all that you've been given, things may be non-meaningful. Did you have anything to do with your appearance? Or your eye color? Or an utterly healthy body? Or where you were born? Not at all.

Have thankfullness for all that has been produced for you. Think, that you are able to see distinctly the trees and beauty around you, that you are able to take a breath of fresh air, that today and just where you are, you're capable of so many things. Be thankful for the knowledge that you have been presented or that you've learned.

Be thankful that you've so many individuals who love you deeply and profoundly. Be thankful for each experience that has strengthened you and shaped you into the individual you'll become. It's easy to say that "I did this all", but there are so many individuals who have contributed both knowingly and inadvertently to your success, your emotional support, balance in your life, and your power. There's a force right now in your life that holds you on track; be witting of that.

Oh, and one important point about the power of gratitude, you have to feel it. You can't just pretend. When you have gratitude there's a power shift change to a greater vibration in your body that interacts with the universal power.

Without that shift modification of energy, you will not manifest the way that you wish. Without thankfullness very likely there will be a stagnancy of anything new that might come for you. And occasionally you experience a reversal, as if you're not grateful for what you have, it begins to leave.

Practice gratitude today. Take nothing for granted. This moment is so brief. Make a list of 10 things right now that you're grateful for. Say it or read it aloud daily. It only takes a few minutes to alter your thinking, and therefore your receiving.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

How to Overcome Negative Thoughts

Are you wondering how to overcome negative thoughts? One of the best ways to do this is through regular meditation.

If you do mediation reglarly, at least 5 times a week or more the biggest changes that you will go through is clear thinking. You will find that you don’t have so many negative thoughts in your brain, you'll begin seeing clean-cut picture of any given situation. You'll also understand precisely what to do and how to go about any given state of affairs.

You'll begin feeling joy for no apparent cause. You'll catch yourself in the instants of perfect peace and happiness. It will appear that nothing is wrong in this creation and that you're the happiest individual in the world. This is a magical state that meditation produces. Such state ought to be a natural state for everybody, but to most individuals this state is out of the question to get into because of all the negativeness in their minds.

With additional practice of meditation, your intuition will heighten. You'll acquire stronger feelings from inside warning you or spurring you to take some action. You ought to never brush off such signs as they'll only help you to accomplish more and become a better individual.

You'll understand what foods are great for you and what foods harm you. Naturally, this won't come instantly. It might take some time, around two- six months of meditation for a few. You might stop eating meat and other foods. That's because your body tells you that you've been polluting yourself with food you don't require.

Hopefully this will give you some ideas of how to overcome negative thoughts through meditation.

Monday 1 August 2011

What is a Scarcity Mentality

What is a scarcity mentality?

It is simply the psychological state where thoughts of rivalry originate. If you know that there is not enough of something to go around, you will attempt to rush to take something from somebody else.

It may be hard for you to believe that rivalry is wrong as it is such a highly valued trait in our society. It feels like every politician or other well paid employee thinks that solely by competition you get what you need.

But that’s why they're employees. They don't realize that by not participating in competition they'd become independent and free, even as their natural state ought to be.

When you recognize that competition is wrong and quit trying to gain something at other people’s expense, you step by step fall into the abundance mentality. You begin to recognize that you are able to get everything you think of, and this assures you that there will constantly be more than enough of everything for everybody.

However what if you still are in scarcity mentality, and don’t know how to get out of it? You'll need to introduce a positive affirmation in your daily life. It may sound like this one: "I see abundance everywhere". Or it may be put in this way: "There are more than enough resources in the world for everyone" Whichever attracts you more.

You will also need to train your eyes not to see what you don’t wish to come up in your life. If you wish to eliminate the thoughts of scarcity, direct your care to the manifestations of abundance. Look at lush nature, deluxe cars, singing morning birds, positive and wealthy individuals, royal buildings, whatsoever you affiliate with abundance.

There are a lot of wealth symbols to choose from, it simply depends which symbols constitute riches to you. I may view nature and see the pure proof of abundance on this Earth; yet other people may see abundance symbols by viewing new gadgets and lavish clothes.

When you train your eyes to center on such symbols, you'll begin the originative process in you. Your thinking will absolutely shift as you no longer see poverty manifestations. By always looking at wealth symbols you'll develop desire to become abundant.

As now you easily center on abundance, you'll have no difficulty in producing thoughts of abundance. These thoughts will manifest in your life bringing in everything you deeply thought about.

An abundance mentality tells you that there are constantly new chances and opportunities. This frees much of the pressure you may feel if you have a scarcity mentality that makes you believe that you only got this shot right now. Or makes you feel like a perfect failure simply because you just bumbled and things didn’t work out.

An abundance mentality lets you see life in a more long-run perspective. And it may help you better your performance as with it you’re producing a lot less pressure and anxieties inside your own brain.

If you have a scarcity mentality then you probably take things a bit too seriously. You may think: "If I fail, the sky will fall". It probably won’t, but because you believe it will, you will become excessively nervous and you’ve produced a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure as your inner, self-created negativity puts obstructions on your path to success.

Hopefully this not only answers your question "what is a scarcity mentality" but also allows you to open your eyes and take on the abundance mindset.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Achieving Goals in Life

If you want to be achieving goals in life you need to start acting as if your goal has already been achieved. As  soon as you determine something and place absolute belief in it, it already has been processed by the universe and exists — even if the existence is currently in thought.

Don’t think about what has been, the past is gone. Treat the situation as if the past had never happened. Change the way you look at the situation to a positive perspective. Think, speak and act/react with a sense of purpose. Have gratitude for the universe, yourself and the situation, and be inspired.

Let’s look at some examples:

Example 1: You wish to shed enough weight before an important event to fit in to a new dress. You have determined that you will lose the weight and have, in fact, already lost the weight in thought within the universe. You believe with absolute certainty that the universe is processing your request by moving the world‘s energy to accommodate you. 

Do you continue eating as if it doesn‘t matter? Do you continue being a couch potato? That would say that your goal doesn‘t matter and would effectively stop the process. If you look in the mirror and are repulsed or constantly use the overweight or fat words in your thoughts and spoken words, wanting to be thin, then you‘ll retain the 20 pounds, no matter what you do.

Instead, you outline what needs to be done to get to where you wish to be. That would include eating and exercising properly. You compliment yourself on your thin and shapely figure and how your clothes fit so perfectly each time you look in the mirror. You love and appreciate yourself.

Yes, the proper eating and exercise will help you lose weight, by the sheer fact that you‘re doing them. But they won‘t ensure you lose enough weight to fit in that new dress on time, let alone look perfect; and maybe, you only needed to lose 15 pounds. The universe will take care of the amount of weight. You take care of treating yourself and acting as if it‘s already happened, because it has.

Lastly, when achieving goals in life, check every conscious thought, word and action against your goal. Does it match up with you plan for success? Or is it a hindrance? Match your perspective to your plan of action.

Friday 22 July 2011

Be careful What You Wish For...

You will doubtless have heard this saying in the past. In full, it says: “Be careful what you wish for; you may just get it.”

This may appear an odd saying, because who in their right mind would wish for negative things to happen? Unfortunately, too many of us are thinking negative thoughts every day. It is so easy to have a positive desire that is expressed in a negative way. Take the example of your desire for a promotion. Instead of repeating to yourself: “The promotion is mine”, you think: It’s bound to go to someone else.

Perhaps this is a means of protecting yourself from disappointment, but what you are actually doing is repeating a negative affirmation. Your subconscious is receiving the message that you will not be promoted, and it interprets this as an order. You may think that your subconscious cannot affect the decision made by your boss, but your negativity comes through loud and clear. Your boss may be looking at you and feel reluctant to promote you because they sense you are not the positive person they want in a position of increased power.

So you fail to win the promotion largely because you have been thinking you won’t, and your boss has picked up on something negative that they don’t like. Although you didn’t actually wish that you would fail, you helped make it happen because failure was the dominant thought in your mind. The above saying may speak of wishes, but it more correctly refers to thoughts that are uppermost in your mind for the majority of the time. In other words: “Be careful what you think of; you may just get it.”

The results that are manifested in your life can be directly affected by the thoughts in your head, and the affirmations you give to yourself.

Monday 18 July 2011

How to Inspire Yourself

Need inspiration? Here is how to inpire yourself...

Enthusiasm comes from inspiration. Inspiration comes from knowledge and enrichment of the mind, while ignorance fosters and intensifies fear. Inspiration also helps you to further define and detail your plan of action.

Inspiration may be obtained through many sources. The most obvious is education, whether it is motivational material to keep you on your path or gaining more specific knowledge to achieve your success. Education may be reading books, magazines, and journals, taking workshops and classes, listening to tapes/CDs, and watching videos that educate and motivate in the area of your goal. You become what you study, so expose your mind to anything and everything that adds to the achievement of your success.

The people that surround you influence your path, your attitude, your determination, your belief, your inspiration, and the outcome of your success. You should surround yourself with people who share your positive vision and desire to achieve your goal. Otherwise, you may be eliminating your success through the power of association.

Associations may mean being around the people who can make your success happen. Donald Trump did just this. He associated with those people, whom he wanted to emulate and who could assist his success.

Also, include educational and motivational materials that will help you after your success is achieved. Currently, you are in - the process. Once you’ve achieved your goal, you need to already have the knowledge and motivation to use the success in a positive manner and keep it moving forward.

One of the most supporting and inspirational tools to achieve success is to have a hero. Oprah Winfrey, talk show host, once told Barbara Walters, renowned interviewer and newscaster, that, if it were not for Ms. Walters, she wouldn’t be where she is today. This is a wonderful example of using a hero to achieve. The great thing about emulating heroes is that they can be living, dead or even fictitious.

Finding a hero (or heroine) to emulate gives you many achievement advantages. That person is already the success you seek. Learn all you can about them. If possible, take them to lunch and interview them. Find out what they purposefully did to achieve. What could they have done differently to make the process to success easier and faster? Put photos of this individual all over your living space and on your desk at work. Keep a list of the person’s traits that you wish to emulate, and incorporate them and anything that helped your hero to achieve into your plan of action.

Friday 15 July 2011

Can You Change Your Belief System?

Success takes both determination and belief. This requires a belief that is with absolute certainty that your goal will be achieved. So Can You Change Your Belief System? Believing with absolute certainty is a giant leap of faith that the universe will come through for you.

One of the strongest tools for keeping your proper focus is, of course, meditation, because it connects you directly to the universe and affirms your faith in it. An even stronger tool is to actually see the universe in motion - seeing things happen for you without any intervention from you, other than determination and belief.

Once, Sharon and her mother were going to a fairly large mall during the Christmas season. Of course, the parking lot was packed with shoppers. Sharon began to drive toward the front of the parking lot, by the main doors of the mall out of habit. Her mother asked her what she was doing, and Julie told her mother that she wanted to see if there were any empty spots close to the front doors. 

Her mother very indignantly told Sharon that she was crazy. Sharon ‘s response? - Oh ye of little faith! and silently asked if  a space could be found so that her mother could see that things are possible through belief. Sharon was as shocked as her mother, when there was a newly-vacated spot directly in front of the doors in the first position. Sharon pulled in the space without a word said, while her young children began giggling in the back seat. It took a while for her mother to recover from the shock. 

Sharon has since asked for close parking spots many times, knowing that if there isn‘t one, it‘s because someone with a greater need got it. More times than not, the space is there. Oh, and Sharon ‘s mother‘s faith in the universe grew that day by leaps and bounds.

Did Sharon know for sure a space would be there? No, but she did absolutely believe that her prayer was heard and would be positively answered, if at all possible within the current circumstances of her life. That is belief from determination. You first determine, and then follow it with absolute belief.

Notice also that Sharon asked for a space ―close to the doors. She didn’t limit the universe by asking for a specific space. She allowed the universe room to process her request.

Let‘s say, instead of someone having just pulled out of the first space, they had just pulled out of one five spaces down. If Sharon had asked specifically for the first space, then the space five spaces down may have been given to someone else. She would have been trying to manipulate the process.

You must not limit the result of your request. Allow the universe to define the best outcome. The source knows better than we do the best result for us at the moment in time it manifests into our physical world. If you've not tried this before why not change your belief system now and ask for something?

Tuesday 12 July 2011

What are Cosmic Affirmations?

Affirmations can be used to improve the quality of your thoughts at a personal level. It is not difficult to grasp how a positive attitude can create a more attractive and amenable personality, so that other people respond more positively in return.

However, there is another aspect to affirmations, and that is how positive thoughts are transmitted to the universe. This is an area that requires a leap of faith, although there is also sound evidence for believing that such a form of communication is possible.

Firstly, let’s look at what this deals with. The suggestion here is that we are a minuscule part of a cosmic whole. That cosmic whole is the creator of everything in the universe and it goes by various names. Some obviously refer to it as God or the Divine; others who are not religious call it the Universal Mind, Universal
Consciousness, or Cosmic Power. As we are a part of it, so our thoughts are connected with it, and we can therefore communicate our thoughts and desires to it. As it is the ultimate creator of everything in existence, and continues to be so, it is thus able to reply to our desires and create the exact circumstances in our lives that we have requested. However, just like our own minds, the Universal Mind is an order-taker and so we have to be extremely careful what we ask for, i.e. think of.

It is not unusual for people to balk at this idea. We look in the mirror and see a separate entity, connected to nothing else around us in physical terms other than the ground we stand on. Our border is defined by our skin, and it is therefore easy to doubt a connection to anything outside ourselves. However, your cell phone is also a separate entity, yet you do not deny its ability to connect you with another person on the other side of the world with no wires involved. Why then is it such a leap to suppose there is a form of communication that might allow our thoughts to be sent half way around the world, and to all parts of the world?

There is certainly plenty of anecdotal evidence of telepathic abilities in humans, and many laboratory tests have proven that information can be transmitted from one person’s mind to another in a remote location. Perhaps this is the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps these people are just the select few who are cognizant of their abilities. It might be that we all have this power but are not sufficiently aware of it to bother trying to channel it.

Thankfully, to a certain extent, science can help us overcome our doubts about universal communication. In scientific terms, everything in the universe is made up of just one thing: atoms. The atom is a basic unit of matter consisting of a central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively-charged electrons. Although this matter may take on different forms – solid, liquid, gas and plasma – so that we see different objects all around us, everything is matter.

More importantly, the atoms in your body are actually 99.99% vacuum, which means pure energy. These are the same atoms that are found in everything else in the universe. Energy is in us, flows through us, and is all around us. We may not be able to see it, but we are all connected to each other and to everything else in the universe. Although it is certainly not proof beyond a reasonable doubt, it does at least provide a theoretical reason why your affirmations can be carried far and wide.

Monday 11 July 2011

Rid Your Mind of Negativity

How can you Rid Your Mind of Negativity, when you bombard your senses with all this negativity on a daily basis. You'll get a dose of negativity each time you listen to the news on the radio, even those short briefs every hour. Then, add in each news magazine and journal you read each month. Now, include the television news you watch — don’t forget the noon news, the nightly news, and the end of the day news programs, each are at least 30 minutes in length. Do you really need to see and hear all this news?

Choose one form, once a day, and eliminate all the rest. For instance, only the nightly news that gives a brief accounting without all the details. The addition of images and brief interviews are like a picture — they are worth a thousand words. You get more in less time, without going in depth. You’re also getting the headlines, which concerns you the most. You don’t have to know about every problem across the world, in your state, city and neighborhood, or every little gruesome detail about a local murder.

Other Negative Sources. What type of books and magazines do you read? What type of movies and videos do you watch? Do you play electronic/Internet games? What television shows do you watch? Constantly reading and seeing violent media adds additional negativity. Consider this: you love the forensic and justice television shows — NCIS; all the CSI shows; all the Law and Order shows; the forensic shows on the Discovery channel, the History channel, and the Arts & Entertainment channel; NUMB3RS; and Bones. This is just a portion of the forensic and justice shows on the television schedule this season. If you’re watching them all or even a good portion of them, look at all the negative you’re putting into your mind.

Like the news, you don’t have to get rid of all of them. You could, for instance, choose to watch NCIS, the one CSI show you like the best, and NUMB3RS. Replace the other shows with positive, uplifting shows, or spend more time doing other activities. Also, be aware of the negativity given off by the ―reality‖ shows.
To what music do you listen?

How much alcohol and medication (or other drugs) do you ingest? How much caffeine do you intake? What type of things do you have in your home? On your walls? In your office? On your office desk? Do these things and activities energize you? Do they soothe you? Are your habits healthy? If your answer is no, then they are adding negative energy into you mind and body, contributing to stress and negative feelings. Again, replace what is negative with positive alternatives These are all trade-offs you make for a better and more positive life.

Doing all of this will help to Rid Your Mind of Negativity and you'll become a more positive and successful person.

Saturday 9 July 2011

How to Quiet The Mind

Do you want to know how to Quiet The Mind? A quiet mind is a place to explore who you truly are, to create, and to connect to the universe. In the quiet, you connect to love. In the quiet, you access the power of the universe. It clears your mind and gives you extraordinary ideas, allowing success to flow freely.

The quiet is within that part of yourself that No One Knows, where you may encounter the true purpose of your life and what you need do to achieve it. In the quiet, you recharge your batteries, remove tension and anxiety, reduce stress and fatigue, eliminate doubt and depression, and remove enculturation programming. It gives you a sense of belonging.

You become one with the universe and all of humanity, and you know peace. When you are separated from the silence, you see doubts, your see problems, and you feel the negative surround you. There are no problems, doubts or negative in the silence. It moves you away from this outer world and all its perceived troubles, connecting you back to your original source of spirit.

This quietis located in the space between your thoughts. To reach it, you must quiet your thoughts. You must quiet your mind and know stillness. Then, you merge with it.

The important thing is to quiet your mind, be at peace, and connect.

So how to quiet the mind? Take a walk in the woods or a quiet park. Listen to the sounds of nature. Breathe deeply of the fresh air. Hear the birds chirping, the leaves rustling under foot, and the sound and smell of the breeze as it brushes past your face. Walk barefoot in the grass. Stretch your arms out wide and slowly turn, feeling the freedom. Feel the different textures of nature — the bark of a tree, the silky feel of a flower petal, the soft fur of a kitten, the bristles from the blades of grass against you palm, and all that nature offers your senses. As you focus on hearing and feeling nature, you be able to quiet the mind.

While you’re alone, speak to the universe — in your mind through your thoughts or out loud, depending upon your comfort level. Speak as if you’re speaking to a friend. Tell this friend your problems and desires. Then, let the universe take care of them.

Thursday 7 July 2011

How to Make it Very Easy

Ease comes with deeper understanding. The law of attraction has layers and each layer reveals more tools to master manifesting your reality.

Every thing is easy after you learn the ins and outs of how it works. There are those who think the law of attraction has no validity and there are those who believe that the law of attraction rocks. Guess what!? Both people are correct, because whatever one believes determines what that one will experience in his reality.

Despite the nay sayers there are secrets to the application of the law of attraction that can yield incredible results. The results are so astonishing that it seems like magic and sorcery but it is none of those, yet all of those. What is magic really? If not the ability to do the impossible or what is thought of as impossible.

Open to Greater Possibilities and Realize Those in Your Reality
Well there are secrets that can make the power to manifest completely outstanding. Imagine that you lived in a small town and you desired to go to the big city which is several miles way. Tom your neighbor comes along and tells you to use his old bicycle. You know that you can always walk which will take you several hours but the bicycle is a plus you happily accept.

After two miles you meet a stranger who tells you that he can surely take you along the route in his car which will get you there even faster. Do you ditch the bike and take the car? The secrets to manifesting are similar to this scenario. It gets deeper and deeper and each lesson brings you more spiritual power.

Those who yearn to understand the deeper nature of applying the laws of attraction discover that while the car ride was great there is the airplane. The journey gets faster and easier for those who dive deeper into the study of the laws of attraction.

Immersion is the key to Mastery
For every single topic including the law of attraction, there are those who truly master the topic by studying it quite deeply. You could not master money matters by making a study of poverty, or origami would you? To fully gain ease in manifesting with the laws of attraction you must make it a diligent study. You may take two to three months of studying all that you can but that study is like a masters degree which will serve you for the rest of your life.

Uncover the Layers
In all things there are layers. On just about every single topic you will find that if you consulted with someone who has gained success he can take apart the topic into several categories. Within each category there are layers that can be mastered in greater detail. The law of attraction is no different. Taking a little bit of time to understand the ways in which to apply each part will greatly benefit you in dramatically manifesting what you truly desire. There are ways of contracting time and moving what you desire to you rapidly. We truly live in a magical world. How far down the rabbit whole are you willing to go?

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Positive Affirmations - Suggestions and Ideas

Here are a few ideas for affirmations.

For Love and Peace
  • I am happy
  • My mind is at peace
  • I am calm and relaxed at all times
  • My thoughts are under my control
  • I am surrounded by love
  • I radiate love and peace
  • I have loving relationship with my wife/husband
  • I am at peace with the Universe
  • I love and accept myself
  • I am surrounded with loving people
  • I am loving and accepting of others
  • I trust the wisdom of my inner being
  • I am always connected with Divine Love

For Prosperity and Success

  • I am getting wealthier every day
  • I have the perfect job
  • I am living in my dream house
  • I am successful in whatever I do
  • I always have enough money
  • Everything is getting better every day

For Health
  • My body is healthy
  • I have lots of energy and vitality
  • I can control my health
  • I can maintain my ideal weight
Obviously, you can tinker with these and come up with your own to exactly suit your personal goals and desires. Just remember to keep them positive, present tense, and passionate.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Weight Loss Mindset - The Most Important Tool You Need

Whether you want to lose a few pounds, or if you want to completely transform your body. The mentality you need  to program inside your circuitry is imperative to your success. Weight Loss Mindset is the most important tool you can have for losing weight.

Failure to lose weight is as simple as being in the wrong mindset. The same could be said about completely transforming your body to that of the physical appearance you wish to achieve. You mindset plays a crucial role!!!

A Postitive Weight Loss Mindset, is essential to success and you need to keep reminding yourself of this, each time you wake in the morning, or before you shut your eyes to fall asleep…this is what will make your journey successful.

The times when you are about to fall off your "Weight Loss Wagon," this is the time you repeat your Mantra…and you will soon find that it becomes easy to stay the path.

Saturday 2 July 2011

How to Use Affirmations

Affirmations are essential to a law of attraction program.  Not only do they allow you to keep a clear focus upon your desire, they also serve to alter your inner mind and create a new belief.
To affirm means to declare what is already present.  It is the same with creating and using affirmations to attract or to transform the things which we desire. 

When you create an affirmation you are declaring to yourself and the universe that the desire is already created.  As you continue to repeat these affirmations you are also holding your thoughts clearing with intense focus on the creation that you have made.

Affirmations serve many purposes when trying to manifest the things you want.  Applying the law of attraction can be hard when you try diligently to maintain positive uplifting thoughts.  It’s almost impossible to monitor your thoughts twenty four hours a day but when you create clear affirmations with details they become a great tool in controlling your thoughts and in turn influencing the law of attraction in your favor.

Here are three ways to use affirmations with your law of attraction practice to get great results.

1. The first step to using the affirmations is to become very clear about what you want.  In order to become clear you would need to write out all the details that you would like to see and experience in the thing that you want.  The clearer you are about your intentions the more power you give to your affirmations.

2. Write a clear positive affirmation in the first person stating your desire as if it is already complete.
  Never make statements such as, “ I wish I could be… or someday I can have or I don’t want to do…” 

These three statements are the most ineffective statements when creating your affirmations.  The affirmation must be created with power and faith in order to fully shift the law of attraction in your favor.  You must absolutely omit any words that tie you to the thing which you do not want.  If you want to stop thinking in a negative way, it is best to state, “ I now think and feel in the most positive way.  I thoughts are happy and positive every moment of the day.”

3. Move into the affirmation with feeling.  Feeling adds the power to your desires.  Feelings generate an internal energy that allows your whole being to absorb your statement.

Many people find it a bit hard to really create success with their affirmations and that is as a result of stuck emotional energetic patterns that are difficult to change.  There are many incredible techniques that can shift those affirmations quite deeply that they make the attraction process even easier and more effective without the mindless repetition.

How deeply are you willing to go to see the changes that you know are possible to have?

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Visualization Techniques for Stressful Times

Visualization techniques have been demonstrated to improve physical and mental health, speed the healing process, and effectively manage pain. They can also help prevent illness, reduce stress, and increase an individual’s overall health and well-being.

Different visualization techniques can be used in the treatment of stress, and stress related illness. For general Stress Management, begin by identifying where in the body you feel the stress. Do you have muscle tension in the back and neck? Is your stomach “knotted”? Do you experience a dull or throbbing headache? Different people experience stress in different ways.

Once you have identified where in the body you experience stress you can use visualization techniques to reduce the stress, as well as the physical symptoms and effects you experience while under stress.

One useful visualization technique involves placing your hand over the affected area of your body. Breathe deeply, with your eyes closed. Feel your heart rate slow to a calm and steady pace.

Visualize the stress in your mind as an image, with size shape and form. It may appear as a black ball which is located in the area of your body that you feel stress.

It may also appear in another form, such as a square, circle, rectangle etc… As you concentrate on the image of the stress (which may or may not be accompanied by physical pain) visualize (or picture yourself) moving the image.

It may not happen right away, but keep working at it, until you can get the image to move. Even the smallest movement is an accomplishment. As you begin to be able to move the image, be aware that you have control of it, and more importantly, know that IT does not have control over you.

Visualize the image that symbolizes your stress moving further and further away from its original location, until eventually you are able to remove it completely from your body.

Another technique along this same line is to visualize the stress you are feeling, and imagine that it is getting smaller, and smaller. Eventually the image will shrink to a tiny spot, and then disappear all together. This technique is very powerful in helping to manage the physical symptoms that result from stress.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

The Capacity for Happiness and Respectability

Humans are liable to experience a variety of afflictions, but they are commonly endowed with a capacity for happiness and respectability. There is no guarantee, however, that they will exercise this capacity at all times and to the maximum, whatever happens. Depression and shame remain a possibility, which increases with the severity of their afflictions and the difficulty of living up to the values that are necessary for their happiness and respectability: courage, efficiency, wisdom, and nobility.

Living up to these values is never easy, even under extremely favorable circumstances. It requires an effort of will. To make or not to make this effort is the question, central to the human existence. This question is difficult in proportion to the weight of suffering that bears on humans, while their dignity hangs in the balance. The more burdensome this weight, the more tempting it is for them to take the easy way out. The fear of losing their dignity, however, is a strong deterrent. There is no greater loss than that of dignity, save the loss of life itself. Yet, the easy way out is a very powerful temptation in extremely unfavorable circumstances. Giving up instead of living up to the values mentioned above is then deplorable but understandable. Excruciating circumstances are extenuating ones.

Amazingly enough, despite the burden of suffering that is oppressive to many, the incidence of moral collapse – in the form of errant ways like carelessness, vagrancy, and crime, often accompanied by alcohol or drug abuse to fuddle the conscience – is small in comparison with the incidence of worthy behavior. Furthermore, a moral collapse is remediable, except when the person concerned shows an inveterate or congenital weakness, or a mental illness that is beyond cure. On the whole, dignity can be lost and regained.

As for those who resist quitting the struggle for worthiness, they rarely do their best. In many instances their spirit is tainted with some degree of indulgence in laziness, cowardliness, ineffectiveness, foolishness, selfishness, and meanness. It has the grayness of dawn. Even those who shine like a late morning sun have a shadow of imperfection at their heels. In short, humanity has yet to fulfill its potential. While there is much courage, efficiency, wisdom, and nobility in the world, much happiness and respectability, there could be a whole lot more. The key to this rise is an effort of will.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Art of Meditation and Visualization

Today, a wide range of types and techniques of meditation are available to keep people relax and stress-free. A lot of people are now gradually realizing the significance of meditation activities in their daily life. Even doctors are now going to accept it as a good way for the treatment of certain health disorders such as depression.

Meditation activities are considered an art, which is frequently admired by people. A hell of practice can make you perfect in this art. You will be considered as a real master of meditation through patience and practice.  You have to become a master of visualization art if you really want to bring perfection in the art of meditation.

Visualization is an art commonly used by more or less every person. However, this art is mostly marked within the children. Technique of visualization is less used by a person as he grows up. Generally, kids are full of wild visualizations and imaginations. Though you are ignorant of it but in reality you also utilize visualization art to some extent. You just need to enhance your ability of visualization to perform meditation successfully.

Mediation very often brings into play the visualization art. Actually, majority of meditation exercises involves visualization inclusively. Therefore, you must be a master of this particular art before making concentration on any of the complicated meditation activities.

Some people are of the view that visualization art can easily be mastered and it is true to some extent. In contrast, some individuals need a real struggle to learn this art. Practice is the only thing through which you can master the visualization art. You should always be ready and determined to allow your imaginations go.

You can perform a very simple exercise to become perfect in visualization art.  All you have to do is just pick any of the objects in your house and place it on a table with no other thing on it. Now, look at the object with full concentration and make an effort to absorb all particular details and memorize them if feasible. After this close your eyes and try to imagine the same object in your mind. Now make notice of details you remembered about the object and those you forgot. Also, notice your feelings about the exercise either you feel enjoyment or get stressed.

Now, pay attention to a new object after clearing the details of the previous one. Repeat the same procedure and again ask same questions to yourself. Always pay close concentration to all the relevant information about an object. After completion you realize that there were few gaps while recalling the object's details, which were filled by your imaginative power.

Visualization art is quite stressful for beginners but they need not to be worried about it as it is considered as normal sign. These stressful feelings will soon die out and you can perform visualization related exercises with full ease.

So, just keep on doing good practice and do not ever think to leave it just because of few difficulties.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Achieve Your Goals Immediately

Some people may think that goals have a definite timeline to accomplish. In part, this is true, but there are certainly ways on how you can hasten the process. You can achieve more great things by focusing on the current job and getting it done, without any compromise. Here are some guidelines from the experts that you can use yourself.

Step One: Forming a Team

Things can be accomplished more quickly if you rely on other people and assign tasks accordingly. When forming a team, it is important that you choose individuals whom you can trust and are truly competent in the fields you assign them to. Teams need to be supervised to ensure that you get the results you want. You can also create a hierarchy or create pairs so that one can look out for the other, thereby saving you time when reviewing work.

Forming a team gives you the benefit of practicing your leadership skills. You will find that later on, you also get to finish tasks more quickly alone, since you've already created an effective system that will provide a smoother flow of various jobs. Make sure you also get the appropriate number of people for the job, or else you risk having too many to watch over, wasting precious time in the process.

Step Two: Finding Shortcuts

Some goals actually have shortcuts that you can use to reach more quickly. These are not quick fixes, but can help the entire system respond in a more conducive manner, thereby boosting the process. For example, there are no short cuts to permanent weight loss, but you can do some techniques that will hasten the fat loss. Some of the approaches include using HIIT or high intensity interval training, instead of the traditional cardiovascular exercise. HIIT is done only in 20 minutes tops, and burns more fat and raises your metabolism higher and for longer periods of time. Your body will respond to the exercise faster.

To know about the shortcuts, always stay updated with changes and developments in technology and professional programs. Stay connected in a network of people related to your goals. Joining forums and online seminars are ideal. You can also talk to experts, so you can compare processes and determine if a certain approach is truly effective.

Step Three: Extra Hours

Consistency, discipline and dedication always give you faster and better results. If you want to finish things faster, you may have to put in extra hours and work longer than the usual. The more important thing is that you keep stress levels down afterwards by relaxing and giving yourself enough time to rest. This way, you can move on to the next goals to be achieved. Overtime should also be well-planned. You cannot expect to work effectively beyond your usual time if you're still tired the night before or do not have enough equipment to work with.

Prepare and strategize by coming up with small objectives and actions steps to be done in sequence. Having information prior to your overtime can help greatly and save you lots of idle time. You may also ask someone to work with you during overtime to accomplish more. Try to incorporate all the three steps above and see for yourself how much more you can boost the process.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Zen in a Thimble

This is a way i use to bring thoughts to the physical world. There are a great many of them, and the better you get at creating them (thinking em up)The easier it will be to find work arounds in the real world, when obstacles and hurtles present themselves.

Im not exactly sure of why they work, but they do.Ok, for the first one, take all you money out of your pocket. Now lay it down on a table or something on the other side of the room.Now go find a seat somewhere that still lets you see your money. Now look at that money and try to think of ways to get that money back in your pocket. And you cant get help.List them.Hopefully everybody figured it out. If you are not magic, you gotta get up and go get it. Only way. If you are magic, then you dont need this article, so put it down and call me, imeechatly.

Doing This exercise makes you see in the physical world what you think. And from it you should see that the way to get what you want is to go get it, and bring it back to you. the funny thing is you will keep trying to figure out ways to get your money off the table, even though there arent any, its impossible. But the weird thing is that you no longer truly believe it is, yet. Use this exercise a lot and it will get you the answer to some tough questions.

 Just about everything is possible, till it proves it is not.

Sometimes you have to make your thoughts real, envision them in your mind and make them real. Its like wouldnt it be much easier to figure out how to make something if you could see it. I believe that if you can see a thing in detail in your mind, it will give you clues as to how to make it real. Think about it, its corny but it feels right and works.

If you keep doing the exercise for different thoughts, you will start giving the impossible the burden of proof. And the more you think ahead the better you know what to expect,and the better you know what to expect the better you deal with the obstacle or hurtle or problem, so don't only think about reacting to hurtles and obstacles, think about attacking them too. That let's you react better in the process also, 2 for the price of one. This really works, give it a try.

Sunday 19 June 2011

How to Get What You Want From Anyone You Meet

Attraction is a very powerful tool to use to get what you want, if you know the proper way to use it.

People interact with each other on a daily basis, and most times this is because one person needs something from the other. Getting others to do what you want them to do is simple, when you know how to do it.

In the business world, for example, you may have a product or service to sell while the other person is  looking for such a product. To sell your product or service to them, you will have to convince the other person that he will be satisfied with the services you render according to his needs.

In other words, the way to get anybody to do what you want is to make them want to do it. Trying to get what you want through intimidation or force is asking for trouble. Yes, it is possible but not advisable to use forceful methods, because the results are short term and can even be disastrous.

So how do you get others to do what you want? Simple. Give them what they want. That is the secret to attraction. And what is it that people want? Good health, love, and financial security are the basic desires of people.

But there is one important, yet intangible, thing everybody wants more than anything else, and that is to be appreciated. Being appreciated and complimented makes a person feel important. When you feel important, you feel needed and wanted, and this gives you a reason for existing.

So, how do you make someone else feel important? Tell them. Show them. Give appreciation freely, honestly, and without reservation. Saying how appreciative you are for a favor received or a job well done will make the other person feel important and respected.

You may not be able to describe in words how being appreciated makes you feel when you’re the recipient, but you know that what you feel is real and priceless.

To get what you want through attraction, show the other person that - if he does what you want him to do - it will, in turn, make him feel important.

Let’s take charity for example. You want a contribution from a prospective donor. Even before the act of giving itself, the donor expects some from of appreciation from you and this, in turn, will give him a feeling of importance.

But appreciation doesn't necessarily have to be expressed in words. A smile and a handshake could be sufficient, and they can come from both you and the donor.

The donor shows his feeling of being appreciated, while you show your appreciation for the contribution. A chemistry takes place. It’s a feeling both parties would enjoy happening many times over.

So, to get others to do what you want them to, you must give them something first. Make them feel special, important and appreciated.

But, be aware, your feelings must be genuine. You must truly appreciate the person as a fellow human being, and not just because they are doing something for you.

If you can truly feel that the person you are interacting with is important and worthy, and can convey those feelings to that person, you will get them to do what you want them to, and they will feel good about doing it for you.

This is the most powerful way to get what you want through attraction.

Thursday 16 June 2011

How To Overcome Nervousness When You Speak In Public

Even if the speech you have is already prepared and you know everything about it, public speaking can be difficult. Many people are very nervous when they speak in public. Here are some tips for you to overcome your nervous feelings when you speak in front of many people.

Preparing your presentation

1. Center on yourself. Try practicing standing properly – with your feet under the hips directly. This position is the best and most stable for speaking in public. Rehearse this position with somebody or in front of your mirror.

2. Your shoulders should be relaxed.
The muscles in the shoulders support directly your larynx, so it has a fast effect on your voice. Shoulders should be rolled out.

3. Warming up the voice.
You should treat all your presentations as if they were performances. Prepare yourself by rehearsing. Deeply breathe into the bottom part of the lungs. You feel your rib cage is expanding slightly higher than the navel. You should thrice sigh. Sighing is your signal to the body that everything is okay and it is just perfect to relax. Then make a siren sound, starting from a high note to a lower note at the bottom part of the voice range you have. With enough practice, you will be able to find the low note connecting to the place located right above the navel. This is the natural voice pitch that you have.

Managing meeting skills

1. Directing your voice. Every time you speak, imagine that each word you say is like a beam of laser traveling from your mouth to the end person listening to you. Practice this outlook to be able to reach to many people at the same time.

2. Directing your thoughts. Pay attention to your thoughts, especially their beginnings and endings. Make your communication complete and fully rounded.

3. Diction as well as articulation. Convey clearly your message.

During questions

1. Give yourself time and space in breathing.

2. Before answering, slightly breathe out first. When you are flustered or nervous, you usually take in more additional air than you need, and you hold onto that air while you try to think. However, this is not helping you. Usually, this method causes you to panic. Remove this habit by breathing air first before you speak, allowing you to relax and thoughts to come in clearly and more logically.

Monday 13 June 2011

Using Your Vibrational Meter

You have within you a vibrational meter that tells you what is good and what is not good for you. That meter is your emotions.

Have you ever felt 'stuck' in life? I mean totally 'stuck'--immobilized, paralyzed or unable to make the right decision?

Several years ago, I felt totally stuck. I was considering a business opportunity that seemed like an ideal situation for me and promised to be very lucrative as well. However, I had hit burnout several times during the course of my association with this business and I had to admit that something did not feel right about the whole thing. I took two weeks off from communicating with the parties involved, believing that if I had some space I would find the answer that I needed, in order to know how to proceed. But at the end of the two weeks, I felt just as confused as I had been earlier, and did not know whether to proceed with a partnership or pull out partially or pull out entirely.

I went away to a nearby resort to try to clear my head and find the answer. After two days and nights I still was had no clear idea of what to do. I was trying so hard to figure everything out with my mind and my rational mind was not helping at all. Finally, in desperation, in the middle of the night I wrote:

"I need a new framework; a completely new way of looking at my life and making decisions."

The next morning, I plugged in a cassette tape a newfound friend had sent me. Though the tape was of poor quality, I heard something that has become my new framework:

You have within you a god-given vibrational meter that tells you what is good for you and what is not good for you. That vibrational meter is your emotions. If something feels good, then it is good for you. If something does not feel good, then it isn't.

I knew immediately that this business proposal was NOT good for me, because I did not feel entirely good about it. In fact, I was making myself sick trying to make it feel right when it was not.

What a relief it was to have this new framework from which to make decisions.

I had clarity and peace about not preceding with this business partnership AND I immediately wrote out a list of characteristics that I WANTED in a business partnership. Within a few days, I met my current business partner who is an absolute perfect match to that want list.

With the realization of this vibrational meter, you never need to make decisions with your mind. You never need to rationalize or justify your decisions. You simply need to recognize that "that doesn't feel good" and "that feels good" and "that feels great!" to know what is right for you.