Wednesday 29 June 2011

Visualization Techniques for Stressful Times

Visualization techniques have been demonstrated to improve physical and mental health, speed the healing process, and effectively manage pain. They can also help prevent illness, reduce stress, and increase an individual’s overall health and well-being.

Different visualization techniques can be used in the treatment of stress, and stress related illness. For general Stress Management, begin by identifying where in the body you feel the stress. Do you have muscle tension in the back and neck? Is your stomach “knotted”? Do you experience a dull or throbbing headache? Different people experience stress in different ways.

Once you have identified where in the body you experience stress you can use visualization techniques to reduce the stress, as well as the physical symptoms and effects you experience while under stress.

One useful visualization technique involves placing your hand over the affected area of your body. Breathe deeply, with your eyes closed. Feel your heart rate slow to a calm and steady pace.

Visualize the stress in your mind as an image, with size shape and form. It may appear as a black ball which is located in the area of your body that you feel stress.

It may also appear in another form, such as a square, circle, rectangle etc… As you concentrate on the image of the stress (which may or may not be accompanied by physical pain) visualize (or picture yourself) moving the image.

It may not happen right away, but keep working at it, until you can get the image to move. Even the smallest movement is an accomplishment. As you begin to be able to move the image, be aware that you have control of it, and more importantly, know that IT does not have control over you.

Visualize the image that symbolizes your stress moving further and further away from its original location, until eventually you are able to remove it completely from your body.

Another technique along this same line is to visualize the stress you are feeling, and imagine that it is getting smaller, and smaller. Eventually the image will shrink to a tiny spot, and then disappear all together. This technique is very powerful in helping to manage the physical symptoms that result from stress.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

The Capacity for Happiness and Respectability

Humans are liable to experience a variety of afflictions, but they are commonly endowed with a capacity for happiness and respectability. There is no guarantee, however, that they will exercise this capacity at all times and to the maximum, whatever happens. Depression and shame remain a possibility, which increases with the severity of their afflictions and the difficulty of living up to the values that are necessary for their happiness and respectability: courage, efficiency, wisdom, and nobility.

Living up to these values is never easy, even under extremely favorable circumstances. It requires an effort of will. To make or not to make this effort is the question, central to the human existence. This question is difficult in proportion to the weight of suffering that bears on humans, while their dignity hangs in the balance. The more burdensome this weight, the more tempting it is for them to take the easy way out. The fear of losing their dignity, however, is a strong deterrent. There is no greater loss than that of dignity, save the loss of life itself. Yet, the easy way out is a very powerful temptation in extremely unfavorable circumstances. Giving up instead of living up to the values mentioned above is then deplorable but understandable. Excruciating circumstances are extenuating ones.

Amazingly enough, despite the burden of suffering that is oppressive to many, the incidence of moral collapse – in the form of errant ways like carelessness, vagrancy, and crime, often accompanied by alcohol or drug abuse to fuddle the conscience – is small in comparison with the incidence of worthy behavior. Furthermore, a moral collapse is remediable, except when the person concerned shows an inveterate or congenital weakness, or a mental illness that is beyond cure. On the whole, dignity can be lost and regained.

As for those who resist quitting the struggle for worthiness, they rarely do their best. In many instances their spirit is tainted with some degree of indulgence in laziness, cowardliness, ineffectiveness, foolishness, selfishness, and meanness. It has the grayness of dawn. Even those who shine like a late morning sun have a shadow of imperfection at their heels. In short, humanity has yet to fulfill its potential. While there is much courage, efficiency, wisdom, and nobility in the world, much happiness and respectability, there could be a whole lot more. The key to this rise is an effort of will.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Art of Meditation and Visualization

Today, a wide range of types and techniques of meditation are available to keep people relax and stress-free. A lot of people are now gradually realizing the significance of meditation activities in their daily life. Even doctors are now going to accept it as a good way for the treatment of certain health disorders such as depression.

Meditation activities are considered an art, which is frequently admired by people. A hell of practice can make you perfect in this art. You will be considered as a real master of meditation through patience and practice.  You have to become a master of visualization art if you really want to bring perfection in the art of meditation.

Visualization is an art commonly used by more or less every person. However, this art is mostly marked within the children. Technique of visualization is less used by a person as he grows up. Generally, kids are full of wild visualizations and imaginations. Though you are ignorant of it but in reality you also utilize visualization art to some extent. You just need to enhance your ability of visualization to perform meditation successfully.

Mediation very often brings into play the visualization art. Actually, majority of meditation exercises involves visualization inclusively. Therefore, you must be a master of this particular art before making concentration on any of the complicated meditation activities.

Some people are of the view that visualization art can easily be mastered and it is true to some extent. In contrast, some individuals need a real struggle to learn this art. Practice is the only thing through which you can master the visualization art. You should always be ready and determined to allow your imaginations go.

You can perform a very simple exercise to become perfect in visualization art.  All you have to do is just pick any of the objects in your house and place it on a table with no other thing on it. Now, look at the object with full concentration and make an effort to absorb all particular details and memorize them if feasible. After this close your eyes and try to imagine the same object in your mind. Now make notice of details you remembered about the object and those you forgot. Also, notice your feelings about the exercise either you feel enjoyment or get stressed.

Now, pay attention to a new object after clearing the details of the previous one. Repeat the same procedure and again ask same questions to yourself. Always pay close concentration to all the relevant information about an object. After completion you realize that there were few gaps while recalling the object's details, which were filled by your imaginative power.

Visualization art is quite stressful for beginners but they need not to be worried about it as it is considered as normal sign. These stressful feelings will soon die out and you can perform visualization related exercises with full ease.

So, just keep on doing good practice and do not ever think to leave it just because of few difficulties.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Achieve Your Goals Immediately

Some people may think that goals have a definite timeline to accomplish. In part, this is true, but there are certainly ways on how you can hasten the process. You can achieve more great things by focusing on the current job and getting it done, without any compromise. Here are some guidelines from the experts that you can use yourself.

Step One: Forming a Team

Things can be accomplished more quickly if you rely on other people and assign tasks accordingly. When forming a team, it is important that you choose individuals whom you can trust and are truly competent in the fields you assign them to. Teams need to be supervised to ensure that you get the results you want. You can also create a hierarchy or create pairs so that one can look out for the other, thereby saving you time when reviewing work.

Forming a team gives you the benefit of practicing your leadership skills. You will find that later on, you also get to finish tasks more quickly alone, since you've already created an effective system that will provide a smoother flow of various jobs. Make sure you also get the appropriate number of people for the job, or else you risk having too many to watch over, wasting precious time in the process.

Step Two: Finding Shortcuts

Some goals actually have shortcuts that you can use to reach more quickly. These are not quick fixes, but can help the entire system respond in a more conducive manner, thereby boosting the process. For example, there are no short cuts to permanent weight loss, but you can do some techniques that will hasten the fat loss. Some of the approaches include using HIIT or high intensity interval training, instead of the traditional cardiovascular exercise. HIIT is done only in 20 minutes tops, and burns more fat and raises your metabolism higher and for longer periods of time. Your body will respond to the exercise faster.

To know about the shortcuts, always stay updated with changes and developments in technology and professional programs. Stay connected in a network of people related to your goals. Joining forums and online seminars are ideal. You can also talk to experts, so you can compare processes and determine if a certain approach is truly effective.

Step Three: Extra Hours

Consistency, discipline and dedication always give you faster and better results. If you want to finish things faster, you may have to put in extra hours and work longer than the usual. The more important thing is that you keep stress levels down afterwards by relaxing and giving yourself enough time to rest. This way, you can move on to the next goals to be achieved. Overtime should also be well-planned. You cannot expect to work effectively beyond your usual time if you're still tired the night before or do not have enough equipment to work with.

Prepare and strategize by coming up with small objectives and actions steps to be done in sequence. Having information prior to your overtime can help greatly and save you lots of idle time. You may also ask someone to work with you during overtime to accomplish more. Try to incorporate all the three steps above and see for yourself how much more you can boost the process.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Zen in a Thimble

This is a way i use to bring thoughts to the physical world. There are a great many of them, and the better you get at creating them (thinking em up)The easier it will be to find work arounds in the real world, when obstacles and hurtles present themselves.

Im not exactly sure of why they work, but they do.Ok, for the first one, take all you money out of your pocket. Now lay it down on a table or something on the other side of the room.Now go find a seat somewhere that still lets you see your money. Now look at that money and try to think of ways to get that money back in your pocket. And you cant get help.List them.Hopefully everybody figured it out. If you are not magic, you gotta get up and go get it. Only way. If you are magic, then you dont need this article, so put it down and call me, imeechatly.

Doing This exercise makes you see in the physical world what you think. And from it you should see that the way to get what you want is to go get it, and bring it back to you. the funny thing is you will keep trying to figure out ways to get your money off the table, even though there arent any, its impossible. But the weird thing is that you no longer truly believe it is, yet. Use this exercise a lot and it will get you the answer to some tough questions.

 Just about everything is possible, till it proves it is not.

Sometimes you have to make your thoughts real, envision them in your mind and make them real. Its like wouldnt it be much easier to figure out how to make something if you could see it. I believe that if you can see a thing in detail in your mind, it will give you clues as to how to make it real. Think about it, its corny but it feels right and works.

If you keep doing the exercise for different thoughts, you will start giving the impossible the burden of proof. And the more you think ahead the better you know what to expect,and the better you know what to expect the better you deal with the obstacle or hurtle or problem, so don't only think about reacting to hurtles and obstacles, think about attacking them too. That let's you react better in the process also, 2 for the price of one. This really works, give it a try.

Sunday 19 June 2011

How to Get What You Want From Anyone You Meet

Attraction is a very powerful tool to use to get what you want, if you know the proper way to use it.

People interact with each other on a daily basis, and most times this is because one person needs something from the other. Getting others to do what you want them to do is simple, when you know how to do it.

In the business world, for example, you may have a product or service to sell while the other person is  looking for such a product. To sell your product or service to them, you will have to convince the other person that he will be satisfied with the services you render according to his needs.

In other words, the way to get anybody to do what you want is to make them want to do it. Trying to get what you want through intimidation or force is asking for trouble. Yes, it is possible but not advisable to use forceful methods, because the results are short term and can even be disastrous.

So how do you get others to do what you want? Simple. Give them what they want. That is the secret to attraction. And what is it that people want? Good health, love, and financial security are the basic desires of people.

But there is one important, yet intangible, thing everybody wants more than anything else, and that is to be appreciated. Being appreciated and complimented makes a person feel important. When you feel important, you feel needed and wanted, and this gives you a reason for existing.

So, how do you make someone else feel important? Tell them. Show them. Give appreciation freely, honestly, and without reservation. Saying how appreciative you are for a favor received or a job well done will make the other person feel important and respected.

You may not be able to describe in words how being appreciated makes you feel when you’re the recipient, but you know that what you feel is real and priceless.

To get what you want through attraction, show the other person that - if he does what you want him to do - it will, in turn, make him feel important.

Let’s take charity for example. You want a contribution from a prospective donor. Even before the act of giving itself, the donor expects some from of appreciation from you and this, in turn, will give him a feeling of importance.

But appreciation doesn't necessarily have to be expressed in words. A smile and a handshake could be sufficient, and they can come from both you and the donor.

The donor shows his feeling of being appreciated, while you show your appreciation for the contribution. A chemistry takes place. It’s a feeling both parties would enjoy happening many times over.

So, to get others to do what you want them to, you must give them something first. Make them feel special, important and appreciated.

But, be aware, your feelings must be genuine. You must truly appreciate the person as a fellow human being, and not just because they are doing something for you.

If you can truly feel that the person you are interacting with is important and worthy, and can convey those feelings to that person, you will get them to do what you want them to, and they will feel good about doing it for you.

This is the most powerful way to get what you want through attraction.

Thursday 16 June 2011

How To Overcome Nervousness When You Speak In Public

Even if the speech you have is already prepared and you know everything about it, public speaking can be difficult. Many people are very nervous when they speak in public. Here are some tips for you to overcome your nervous feelings when you speak in front of many people.

Preparing your presentation

1. Center on yourself. Try practicing standing properly – with your feet under the hips directly. This position is the best and most stable for speaking in public. Rehearse this position with somebody or in front of your mirror.

2. Your shoulders should be relaxed.
The muscles in the shoulders support directly your larynx, so it has a fast effect on your voice. Shoulders should be rolled out.

3. Warming up the voice.
You should treat all your presentations as if they were performances. Prepare yourself by rehearsing. Deeply breathe into the bottom part of the lungs. You feel your rib cage is expanding slightly higher than the navel. You should thrice sigh. Sighing is your signal to the body that everything is okay and it is just perfect to relax. Then make a siren sound, starting from a high note to a lower note at the bottom part of the voice range you have. With enough practice, you will be able to find the low note connecting to the place located right above the navel. This is the natural voice pitch that you have.

Managing meeting skills

1. Directing your voice. Every time you speak, imagine that each word you say is like a beam of laser traveling from your mouth to the end person listening to you. Practice this outlook to be able to reach to many people at the same time.

2. Directing your thoughts. Pay attention to your thoughts, especially their beginnings and endings. Make your communication complete and fully rounded.

3. Diction as well as articulation. Convey clearly your message.

During questions

1. Give yourself time and space in breathing.

2. Before answering, slightly breathe out first. When you are flustered or nervous, you usually take in more additional air than you need, and you hold onto that air while you try to think. However, this is not helping you. Usually, this method causes you to panic. Remove this habit by breathing air first before you speak, allowing you to relax and thoughts to come in clearly and more logically.

Monday 13 June 2011

Using Your Vibrational Meter

You have within you a vibrational meter that tells you what is good and what is not good for you. That meter is your emotions.

Have you ever felt 'stuck' in life? I mean totally 'stuck'--immobilized, paralyzed or unable to make the right decision?

Several years ago, I felt totally stuck. I was considering a business opportunity that seemed like an ideal situation for me and promised to be very lucrative as well. However, I had hit burnout several times during the course of my association with this business and I had to admit that something did not feel right about the whole thing. I took two weeks off from communicating with the parties involved, believing that if I had some space I would find the answer that I needed, in order to know how to proceed. But at the end of the two weeks, I felt just as confused as I had been earlier, and did not know whether to proceed with a partnership or pull out partially or pull out entirely.

I went away to a nearby resort to try to clear my head and find the answer. After two days and nights I still was had no clear idea of what to do. I was trying so hard to figure everything out with my mind and my rational mind was not helping at all. Finally, in desperation, in the middle of the night I wrote:

"I need a new framework; a completely new way of looking at my life and making decisions."

The next morning, I plugged in a cassette tape a newfound friend had sent me. Though the tape was of poor quality, I heard something that has become my new framework:

You have within you a god-given vibrational meter that tells you what is good for you and what is not good for you. That vibrational meter is your emotions. If something feels good, then it is good for you. If something does not feel good, then it isn't.

I knew immediately that this business proposal was NOT good for me, because I did not feel entirely good about it. In fact, I was making myself sick trying to make it feel right when it was not.

What a relief it was to have this new framework from which to make decisions.

I had clarity and peace about not preceding with this business partnership AND I immediately wrote out a list of characteristics that I WANTED in a business partnership. Within a few days, I met my current business partner who is an absolute perfect match to that want list.

With the realization of this vibrational meter, you never need to make decisions with your mind. You never need to rationalize or justify your decisions. You simply need to recognize that "that doesn't feel good" and "that feels good" and "that feels great!" to know what is right for you.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Simple Leadership Basics

A great cloud of jargon, debate, and junk theory surrounds the idea of leadership, what it is, who does it, and how to do it well. But if you have just been promoted, and you're responsible for a group for the first time, there are only a few things you really need to know about leadership.

When you get promoted and become responsible for the performance of a group you become a leader. But you don't undergo some magical change. In fact, it will probably take you over a year to completely adjust to your new role.

You're a leader because the people in your group treat you like one. The only choice you have is what kind of job you'll do.

When you become a leader your power actually goes down. As an individual contributor, you just have to decide to work harder, longer or smarter to improve performance. When you're responsible for the performance of a group, the group is your destiny. They choose whether to act or not.

When you become a leader, your influence goes up. The people who work for you pay attention to what you say and do. They adjust their behavior accordingly.

The result is that you use your behavior (what you say and do) to influence the behavior of the people who work for you to achieve a defined objective.

Achieving the objective is part of your job as a leader. The other part is caring for your people.

It may be possible to achieve good short term results without caring for your people. But you can't achieve long term success for you or your company without the willing cooperation of the best folks you can find.

At the end of the day, you can measure your leadership based on those two standards. Did we accomplish the mission? Are the members of my group better off today than yesterday?

You can find out more about all of this and learn it almost effortlessly from my book, Performance Talk: The One-on-One Part of Leadership.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Dreams, Premonitions or Predictiction

How can we believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?

Recently, I received an interesting email in which a woman told me that when she was 10 years old, she was shown in a dream how one day she would have a son and he would die at a certain age in a specific fashion. She also reported that this did, in fact, occur. Her question to me was, "How can I believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?"

What's happening when we have dreams, premonitions or receive a prediction that something (usually unwanted) is going to take place in the future? Or when it does happen we remember having received foreknowledge?

Here are three things you might consider:

1. Time only exists here on earth for us humans. Quantum physics teaches that although everything; every event, every experience, every possibility exists at the same time--in the NOW--man has invented time: the past, the present and the future, to bring some sort of order into these experiences. Religions call this Eternity--the place where time has no beginning and no end.

2. The Law of Attraction teaches us that everything vibrates and every vibration affects all other vibrations. I like the way Abraham-Hicks put it: "Everything vibrates and is communicating, reacting, responding and integrating with other vibrating things." ~Well Being Cards

3. Our subconscious mind is directly connected to the Super Conscious Mind (Source, Higher Power, Inner Being and Holy Spirit) and we are all learning how to translate this information for "human consumption." Remember, the translator is a person with their own agenda, fears and ideas about the meaning of this information.

I have been experiencing dreams, visions and prophetic words since 1987--actually, I had many experience of this nature as a young child, followed by years of rare occurrences. What I've found is that ANY piece of information can be interpreted through a filter of fear or love. When it is filtered through fear, it usually brings an ominous feeling to the prediction. When it is filtered through love, the message uplifts, encourages and strengthens people. And the choice is in the hands of the interpreter. I have decided to interpret dreams, visions and prophecies in the most positive life-giving way!  Any thing less does not feel good to me.

So, my answer to the question: "How can I believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?" is this--

All things are connected at Source. Believe the best interpretation you can give to your dreams, premonitions, and all such occurrences. And if the prediction should come true--or you receive an outcome which is different or less than you would have chosen--KNOW THIS: you are indeed blessed to have been PREPARED for this event.

When I was pregnant with my fourth child, Sarah, I had a premonition that something was not right with the child I was carrying. I even told one of my girlfriends, "You know how people say, 'I don't care if it's a boy or girl, as long as it's ok?' Well, I can't say that about this baby. I CAN say, 'I don't care if it's a boy or girl and it's ok if it is not ok.' All will be well." And of course, when Sarah was born it was still surprising that she was born with Down's Syndrome. And yet, I felt so SPECIAL, because I HAD been prepared.

I truly believe in the prevalence of Goodness. I believe the knowledge of an event before it occurs is a gift. Something in us attracted this knowledge so that we could consciously prepare for it. Does that mean we have no choice or say in such matters?  Sometimes the vibration of another person becomes a part of our life and deep down inside of us, we DO have a corresponding harmonious vibration. Sarah chose to be born different genetically. Her true self wants to experience life here on earth different from most people. I have a vibration in me that loves her and wants to encourage and support her along her journey.

We are a perfect match. And all really is well.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

An Ancient Money Getting Secret

There are some phenomenal forces in the universe that can extremely enhance the things that you want to manifest.  What you know of the law of attraction will be greatly enhanced once you apply these additional secrets.

There is a secret to getting the law of attraction to move mountains and to create miracles beyond belief. As you may already know applying the law of attraction with success can be a hit of miss for many people. While there are people who claim to have outstanding results there are those who also complain of not getting what they want. That is because not many people really know the full missing part to applying the law of attraction.

Let me first tell you how powerful this secret is beyond the law of attraction. Think about how long you have been trying to attract some of the things you want. Maybe you have been applying all of the tools that you know of. You have been visualizing your goals. You have been repeating affirmations and perhaps even taking wild actions towards attracting more money but still nothing has changed.

Can you really get the law of attraction to manifest what you want faster? Chances are your answer will be a resounding, no. There is a good reason for that, it is a secret that few people will ever know and it is a secret so powerful that if you gave it a try you would be astounded by your results.

Many years ago when the true secrets to manifesting were not quite so public practitioners became aware of powerful forces in the universe. These forces were immensely powerful and allowed those who called on those forces to create incredible results again and again.

How powerful are those forces you ask and what can they do?

Imagine being able to...

- Manifest what you want with out struggling

- Calm your negative emotions so that you are more in harmony with the universe

- Attract more of everything that you want without doing extra work

- Clear away mental, physical and psychic block that are holding you back

- Change your whole life faster than ever

- Do in less time what would take others years

- Feel more joyful without trying to

These are all the things you can experience when you connect to the universal forces in the universe. You can begin to make the law of attraction work magically for you when you do align yourself to those secret forces. Put away all that you think you know or understand about the law of attraction and begin to see miracles and magic happen in your life.

One of the first steps to applying this outrageous secret... is to outrageous still and to allow yourself to entire the void. It is the first step there is o need to visualize, no need to repeat anything just be in the void. This is a powerful first step than cannot be underestimated.

Many people who think they understand the law of attraction are amazed by the knowledge and the secret found in the void. It truly works miracles and magic. Their body and mind becomes calmer and more in harmony and ready to bring their desires into physical reality faster.

Monday 6 June 2011

How to Communicate with Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind works in the present tense. It knows no other way to think. We create a past for ourselves in our memories and the emotions attached to them. We build a future for ourselves with our hopes and desires, or fears and sorrows. But our subconscious  mind lives in the now. This means that any negative thoughts about your past that you carry with you at this moment create your present. You are perpetuating your past. You know how this works. If you recall a very sad situation, even from many years ago, it can make you cry. Your mind is interpreting this memory as happening now, and creates an appropriate response. It cannot differentiate between what happened ten years ago and what happened ten seconds ago; it can only react to what is in your mind right now.

The upshot for your positive affirmations is that they must be phrased so that the mind can act upon them at this moment in time, therefore you must use the present tense.

Let’s take the obvious example, and assume you want to be rich. You have three options as to how this is phrased

The past tense – In this case you might say: “I always wanted to be rich.” Your mind takes this to mean that you did want to be rich but not any more, therefore it does not take the required actions to bring it about.

The future tense – In this case, you might say: “I will be a rich person.” This might seem the obvious choice because you are planning for your future, but this is also the wrong way to phrase your affirmations. Your mind interprets this as meaning that you will be rich in the future, but not now, so fails to take any action.

The present tense – In this scenario, you might say: “I am a rich person.” Don’t worry, your mind is not going to take issue with you on this because you may not actually have very much money; rather it will respond by attempting to create the circumstances to match the affirmation. You have, in effect, given your mind an order that must be acted upon now.

If this smacks of a little self-delusion, this is just something you have to cope with. You are programming your mind in the way it must be programmed. Clearly, you have to exercise a little caution here. Telling your mind you are rich does not instantly put money in the bank. If you see a Ferrari drive by, you can say: “That Ferrari is my car”, but that does not mean you should run to your bank and withdraw all your funds to put down a deposit at your local Ferrari dealership. Such behavior will obviously provoke immense panic on your part once you realize you now can’t buy a tin of beans for dinner, and thus it will work against your positive attitude.

Talking in the present tense is not about deluding yourself or ignoring your current reality; it is about giving your mind orders in the language it best understands.

Sunday 5 June 2011

How One-on-One Executive Coaching Can Work For You

Does your company need a jumpstart? Is revenue low, morale declining, and your leadership tactics no longer making an impact? This may be the perfect time to look into leadership coaching.

A good executive coaching program should do more than just set you up with a speaker reading over a PowerPoint presentation. Team up your senior leaders with a good corporate coaching program, and you could be discussing fostering relationships, building strategy, and improving revenue and communications all while hitting the slopes, climbing a mountain or rafting some white water. It’s easy to connect in an environment where you can be creative, and think outside the box.

A good leadership system can make all the difference in your organization. It effects; communication, human performance, accountability, delivery and measurement. A one-on-one approach, and a program that is tailored to suit your organization’s specific needs, is the best choice in executive coaching.

There are a few important things to consider if you want to engage in an executive coaching program. Look for a company that will provide you with someone who is more than just a speaker. You want to be paired up with someone who will be a trusted advisor to you as your organization grows and changes. Also, a good coaching program will include industry consultants to provide expert advice in some technical areas. Talk to your consultant about the specific goals you want your leadership program to meet. Every business or organization needs direction in a different area or department. This is what makes a one-on-one coaching program so unique; you work on meeting goals where your company needs it the most.

Saturday 4 June 2011

How to Make Positive Affirmations

Remember that affirmations program the mind as you would program your computer. In the computing world there is an acronym: GIGO. It stands for: Garbage In, Garbage Out. This means that your computer can and will only respond to what is input into its system. If your machine is running cleanly, then you download and install a program and your computer crashes, it’s likely that the program had a virus. If you put garbage into a computer, you can expect to get garbage out.

It is the same with the human mind. You cannot consistently program your mind with negativity and expect that good things will be the result. When you approach the affirmations process, you must make certain that you do so with a positive frame of mind. Making successful affirmations is far more than speaking a few words in a set order. You may speak ten different affirmations each morning and evening, but if you don’t really believe that the whole affirmation process can work, you will most likely follow each one with a negative thought or comment that screws up all your good work. For example:

You affirm: “I am a happy and successful person.”
You think: Yeah, buddy, in your dreams.

You affirm: “I am a wealthy individual.”
You think: Sure, once I win the lottery.

You affirm: “My mind is at peace with the world.”
You think: When I’m half-cut perhaps.

You get the idea. Making positive affirmations is not enough. You must believe them to be true to the exclusion of any and all counterproductive

Friday 3 June 2011

What is Greatness?

What is the worst evil in the world? Wouldn't you agree that it is what prevents the achievement of everything that is good?  And what prevents this achievement more than the weakness in a person's very soul that leads this person along the path of mediocrity, or worse, criminality? Let's take a look at this evil, first in the context of writing, then more generally in the context of living.

When I was a nineteen-year-old high school student and budding poet – two years after my diving accident – many factors adversely affected my creativity. My trips in a special bus to school and back home, my courses, and my assignments, though I was spared a lot of writing and was mostly tested orally, all this was time-consuming. More often than not, my obligation to study took priority over my desire to compose poetry.

To tell the truth, I had plenty of free time. That I spent much of it uncreatively showed evidence of frivolousness, laziness, and cowardliness. I usually preferred to take my mind off things, or to daydream, rather than to express myself through poems. The satisfaction I could derive from achieving this expression seldom induced me to try. The deterring elements were the difficulty of trying and the uncertainty surrounding the outcome of my efforts.

A poem – assuming one is concerned about writing beautifully – is indeed no cinch. It requires a poet who is talented, skilled, and determined. My poetic ability was fickle; my grammar and style were faulty; my will was faint. I lacked the courage of my creative desire. This lack was not absolute. Now and then, when I felt compellingly inspired, I resisted my temptation to trifle – which amounted to taking the easy way out – and endeavored to compose a poem. I had to repeat this endeavor, over and over, to grow more capable and confident, less discouraged by the challenge at hand.

I am afraid young individuals similar to the young man I was then are not a rarity. The prospect of success turns them on; effort and the risk of failure turn them off. The contradiction is apparent, and the result predictable: Since effort and the risk of failure are essential for success, the avoidance of them precludes this success. Of course everyone knows this. The trouble is that many refuse largely to accept it. This is proof that knowledge is powerless in itself; it needs a strong will to be effective.

Young individuals, who know the rules of success, can be failures inasmuch as they fail to accept these rules. Wisdom includes this acceptance (the exclusion of which is thus foolish). It must be distinguished from knowledge. Wise people are also brave people who put their knowledge into practice and become successful for that reason. The obvious holds good in every way: Life without courage is like a bird without wings; it cannot take off.

Why is it hard to want both the end and the means? Precisely because the means are hard, not to mention the fact that they are hazardous, you might answer. If you are right, then why do some actually thrive on this hardness and hazardousness? The key to this mystery is their attitude: They regard these opposing elements not only as obstacles but also as opportunities for merit and excitement. Just as they were young once, spoon-fed and sheltered from the evils of the world, they eventually outgrew their attachment to easiness and developed a taste for challenge. In conclusion, what characterizes them is their maturity, by contrast with the infantilism of others.

Between these two extremes there is a mediocre compromise, partly mature, partly infantile. It consists in taking charge of one’s life while taking the easy way out. Small principles, small realizations, far below one’s potential for greatness, they are poor excuses for wisdom and success. Potential, that is the operative word. There can be greatness in apparent smallness and smallness in apparent greatness; the truth resides in the great or small actualization of one’s potential, whatever it is.

How does one discover what it is? By making the effort to actualize it in the ever-renewed and multifaceted act of living. This entails that one push oneself hard, at the risk of going too far. Measure is an empty abstraction for anyone who has never exceeded it. Limits should be experienced, not invented. This experience demands a serious and courageous commitment to greatness. Steer clear of frivolousness, laziness, and cowardliness; do not fall prey to them as I did so many times. They are strong temptations that can assume the form of a cunning philosophy that is unique to losers. Beware of this snare. Life is a demanding character test; come death, you will have ample time to rest!

Nostalgic for the old days at the rehabilitation facility when I wrote anyhow about anything, I once conveniently believed in spontaneous writing as a guarantee of genuineness. Fortunately I was foolish yet not a complete fool. After some denial, which involved some nonsense in justification of my foolishness, I admitted sullenly that my sacrosanct pursuit of genuineness was in fact a vile indulgence in idiocy. There is nothing spontaneous about the intelligent conception and intelligible expression of one’s true self, which is everything but simple. It is a tissue of desires, feelings, ideas, and memories, caught in a whirl of interactions between the mind and the world. Either one goes to great lengths to elucidate and formulate the truth about oneself, and one hits the bull’s-eye, or one talks bullshit – please forgive my language.

Some people shine at off-the-cuff speeches, as though they were so brilliant they could avoid saying idiocies when forced to be spontaneous. Make no mistake; their brilliance is merely one side of the equation. They have spent years polishing their manner of thinking and speaking, while their knowledge waxed through learning. Their spontaneity is studied. It is a product of numerous rehearsals, like the performance of an actor. Nothing great ever comes easily to anyone, including those who are the most gifted among us. Superior luck is not human greatness, only a steppingstone toward it. The stone is given; the stepping is done by the sweat of one’s brow and is made of a million steps, uphill. To work one’s way up to greatness is comparable to conquering Mount Everest, the highest peak of the Himalayas. It is an outstanding achievement with a sense of pride to match.

Thursday 2 June 2011

The Power of Your Mind

Positive affirmations create better relationships, as other people instinctively respond better to positive vibes and success. This can affect every type of relationship in your life – with your partner, your kids, your relatives, friends, acquaintances, strangers, work colleagues, and your boss.

Again, this is an area that will naturally improve as your affirmations take effect, even if they have not been targeted at your relationships. You are far more likely to be successful if you have created a more attractive aura for yourself through positive affirmations.

This is the truth that underpins positive affirmations, and positive thinking generally. This is the concept that must be accepted if you are to truly embrace the possibility that positive affirmations can improve your life and bring success.

The easiest way to verify this statement is to simply look around you right now. Apart from Nature, everything you can see started life as a thought in the mind of a human being. The clothes you wear, the car you drive, the street you drive along, the house you live in, the TV you watch, the books you read, the computer you work at, the chair you sit in, the company you work for, everything started out as an idea in mind.

That should make you think. The power of your mind to invent and achieve is practically limitless.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Positive Affirmations Can Improve Your Health

Positive affirmations have a knock-on effect beyond the result named in the affirmation. As your life gradually improves, you will feel a sense of growing confidence, whether or not you have ever phrased an affirmation regarding a boost in your confidence levels. This is the natural consequence of personal achievement. Your outlook on life changes and your self-image is transformed. You create a virtuous circle where a vicious one may have existed before.

Again, this will be a side-effect of positive affirmations even when you have not phrased one that relates directly to your health. Negative emotions are draining on the psyche, and this can have a debilitating effect on your physical well-being. Negativity causes you to feel lethargic, and can cause genuine physical illness. Where positive affirmations can make you feel at ease,

Negative thoughts and habits cause you dis-ease. This is why people develop psychosomatic illnesses.
Psychosomatic means mind (psyche) and body (soma), and an illness of this sort therefore involves both the mind and the body. You will have heard the phrase “sick with worry”. It is entirely possible to make yourself ill through stressful thoughts. Some physical diseases are thought to be particularly affected by mental factors such as stress and anxiety. Psoriasis, eczema, stomach ulcers, IBS, high blood pressure, and heart disease, for example, are all aggravated by negative thoughts. In fact, there is a mental aspect to every physical disease in how we react to it and cope with it.

Positive affirmations can improve your health in three ways: Firstly, your mindset is healthier overall with a positive mental attitude, thus your immune system is stronger; secondly, a specific affirmation can be phrased to augment your health and counter illness appearing; thirdly, they can be used to speed recovery if you do get ill.