Sunday 15 July 2007

Always Write Down Your Goals

Many people think of their goals in life in their head, but never tell anyone or write anything down.

To qualify as a goal, whatever you want to achieve must be written down. Non-written goals, therefore, are not goals at all. Don't catch yourself saying, "I have goals and I know what they are, so I don't need to write them down." Non-written goals are unclear and nonspecific, with details that tend to change each time you think about them. Putting each goal in writing crystallizes it into a set of fixed details. The clearer the goal, the more easily it can be achieved.

In a notebook or Word, create a page and have it labeled "Goals List" and write down each of your goals, one on each line. Also, create a separate page and label it your “Dream List”. Refer back to the Dreams List you have already made to see if the achievement of each of your goals will help you realize your dreams. If so, you are heading in the right direction. Also review your Dreams List to see if any of your dreams qualify for immediate inclusion on your Goals List. Keep your blueprint someplace handy where you can update your Goals List and refer to it often. When you have accomplished each goal, cross it off the list. Remember, each goal you accomplish takes you one step closer to the life of your dreams.

Thursday 5 July 2007

Success and Self Improvement Audio Books

Leisure Audio Books have recently launched their website containing over 6000 audio books which are available for immediate download on to your MP3 Player or IPod.

They have a good selection of Self Help Audio books which include books on motivation, success, personal growth, time management and interpersonal skills.

Best sellers include:

  • The Awakened Mind System by Dr Jeffrey Thomson, which uses pulses of sound combined with a lush ambient soundtrack. As you listen, your own brainwaves begin to reflect the Awakened Mind pattern
  • How to Dejunk your Life by Dawna Walter - An inspirational guide to fighting clutter and sorting your space.
  • Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell - A look at why major changes in our society so often happen suddenly and unexpectedly.
Visit Leisure Audio books for the full selection.