Sunday 17 June 2007

Are you Associating Yourself with Successful People?

The people you associate with - whether on the job or socially - can have a positive or a negative effect on you.

Some people see life in a positive light and are natural motivators. If a positive person asks you how you're doing and you say, "Not well at all. I've had this cold for a week now," their response is something like, "I'm so sorry. I bet you'll be good as new and feeling better in no time!" A negative, demotivating person may respond by saying, "I know what you mean. A cold like that can ruin your whole week. If you're like me, it'll probably take you a whole month to get over it!"

You associate with some people not by choice but simply by circumstance. You can't choose your coworkers, for example; sometimes you have to do the best you can to work with and get along with them as well as you can. But, you don't have to associate yourself with negative people at breaks, lunchtime, or after-work events. Find ways to remain pleasant, but don't spend too much time with those people.

Instead, surround yourself with people who make you feel goodabout yourself, people who notice the positive things instead of the negative. Everyone has said on some occasion, "I just feel inspired; I feel better about myself and my future when I'm around so and-so." In other words, choose to associate with people you want to be more like.

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